Mental Health in North Lanarkshire

Mental Health

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Mind’s Celebrity Ambassadors

Mind, the mental health support and awareness charity, has 15 celebrity ambassadors, including its president Stephen Fry. They’re all famous…

Mind’s Celebrity Ambassadors
All ages


YoungMinds is the UK’s leading mental health charity for children and young people. If you’re not sure what condition you…

All ages

Supporting Friends

Helping friends with problems that they may have and how to spot when they might have a problem

Supporting Friends

Other content you might be interested in

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Let's Talk Endometriosis

We’ve put together some helpful resources to inform you on all things endometriosis related.

Let's Talk Endometriosis
All ages

Everything You Need to Know About Periods

There’s a lot of stigma surrounding periods but there doesn’t have to be! You’re not alone and we have answers…

Everything You Need to Know About Periods
All ages

The Wellbeing Box

The Wellbeing Box is designed to be fun and easy to access. The purpose is to give you the ability…

The Wellbeing Box
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