#BordersWellbeing Week 4: Enjoy & Learn

Enjoy and Learn

SHANARRI – achieving

A lifestyle that includes enjoyable activities and interests can help you to have greater wellbeing and feel more fulfilled. Think about what you enjoy doing – it could be something creative, or musical, or outdoors. Only you can decide what you enjoy doing. Try different things until you find what you like.

Five things you could do now:

  1. Learn how to make a Feel Good gif in three easy steps 
  2. Learn how to write poetry
  3. Try one of these productive ways to spend time online, like watching a Youtube tutorial
  4. Cook up a storm! Find out what ingredients you have in your cupboard and make something new
  5. Download a new app such as Headspace – and get a free 1-year subscription through Young Scot Membership!

Take a look at the Learn and Grow pages on the Young Scot website for more ideas.

Thinking about today use the emoji flags to mark how you are doing for ‘Enjoy and Learn’.

Don’t worry if you don’t manage to do something for all of the ‘six ways to be well’ each day. There’s some ideas below that might help you to improve in this area.

If you are struggling with some areas every day or for a number of weeks it’s a good idea to talk to a Trusted Adult. You can discuss with them ideas about what you could do and if they can support you.

  • 😃 Great – I’m doing well at this
  • 🙂 Okay – I’m working on this but I’d like to do this more regularly or improve
  • 😧 Not Good – I want to do this but I don’t know where to start
  • 😐 Awful – I’m struggling with this and need some support

Young Scot Rewards

Find out more about the 6 Ways to Be Well.

Find loads more useful wellbeing content on the Borders Wellbeing page.

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