Mental Health Support

We are lucky to have many organisations that can provide help if you are worried about your own mental health, or maybe a friend or family member. We’ve tried to list as many local organisations as we can to give a starting point for anyone not feeling their best. Many services do not require your name, and some are available 24 hours a day.

We’ve also included a link to our “Wellbeing Box” with suggestions for different activities that can help promote positive mental health.

If you, or someone you know is struggling, do seek help and in an emergency always dial 999 / 112.

All ages


Togetherall is a free Mental Health and Wellbeing Service for Young People aged 16 – 24

All ages

Suicide? Help!

A suicide prevention app with information on services in Tayside and the ability to help users create their own safety…

Suicide? Help!
All ages

Calm Harm

Calm Harm is a free app that helps the user overcome the urge to self-harm using different tools and activities.

Calm Harm

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Support if You’re Care Experienced

We worked with Care Experienced young people to put together this page of helpful resources. You’ll find information on bursaries,…

Support if You’re Care Experienced
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Information on Where to Get Support

Experiencing rape, sexual assault, exploitation or image-based abuse can affect people in many different ways. Find out where you can…

Information on Where to Get Support
All ages

Who to Contact for Mental Health Support

If you or somebody else is needing a bit of emotional support, these organisations offer a variety of support.

Who to Contact for Mental Health Support
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