
Image of Togetherall on phone

Togetherall is a free Mental Health & Wellbeing service.

All 16-24 year olds in Tayside now have free access to the digital mental health and wellbeing service Togetherall. Togetherall provides safe, anonymous, online support 24/7, with a supportive community, information and self-help resources, and trained professionals online at all times.

Access is easy: simply go to and enter your postcode.

Any young person struggling with mental health issues or experiencing a tough time can find support on Togetherall. If you are struggling, or know someone who is, don’t hesitate to join Togetherall or recommend it to someone you know.

95% of members reported feeling better as a result of joining Togetherall, and 73% shared something for the first time. Whatever you’re going through, Togetherall is there to help.

It’s great here to just say what you feel and think without judgement, that’s helped me loads, as I’ve always kept a brave face for the last few years with my depression and anxiety. It’s great to be among people who know exactly how you feel! (Togetherall member)

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