Welcome to the home of the Young and Equally Safe (YES) Podcasts.
The Young and Equally Safe Project is about working together to change attitudes to gender based violence in Renfrewshire and beyond. Find out more about the group here and feel free to get in touch if you would like to be involved.
Check out our introduction to YES featuring Carla and Emma.
You can find our latest discussions below. If you are interested in taking part or getting involved you can email us at youth@renfrewshire.gov.uk

We had a great time meeting the Paisley Soroptimists to share some views and find out what people of different ages think.
PART 1: Join your hosts Daniela and Zoe (Young and Equally Safe Volunteers/Mentors in Violence Prevention Mentors) as they chat to Jean and Elsie from Paisley Soroptimists as they chat about their opinions, experiences and hopes for Scotland’s future generation on Gender-Based Violence.
PART 2: Join your hosts Niamh (Young and Equally Safe Volunteer/Mentors in Violence Prevention Mentor) and Kevin (Renfrewshire Youth Services Community Learning and Development Worker) as they chat to Morven and Grace from the Paisley Soroptimists about their opinions, experiences and hopes for Scotland’s future generation on Gender-Based Violence.
Do you have an idea for a podcast topic about gender based violence or positive relationships? We would love to hear from you. Check back for more podcasts.