In Scotland, all schools, colleges and universities provide access to free period products.
All ages
What Are Periods?
What Are Periods?
You might have heard about them so here we explain what they are and how they impact your body.
All ages
Is My Period Normal?
Is My Period Normal?
Periods put your body through a LOT every month, so it’s normal to have questions!
All ages
How Should I Deal with My Period?
How Should I Deal with My Period?
All you need to know about periods and how to deal with them.
All ages
Busting Those Period Myths
Busting Those Period Myths
Don’t worry, periods are normal and we’re busting eight common myths about them.
All ages
What if I Get My Period on Holiday?
What if I Get My Period on Holiday?
It’s that time of the month and you’re on holiday. Here’s some answers to some common questions you might have!