Introduction from Alex

A warm welcome to our first blogger Alex! Alex writes of her own website

What is the website about?

This website was designed by me – Alex Murray. It is a website where I *might* blog, post photography and essays. Everything on my website will be free to read because I’m just a cool person.

Who am I?

I am Alex Murray, I am a 4th year high school student. I currently study: Engineering Science, Maths, Computing Science, Physics, English, History and Geography all at National 5 level. I have a deep passion for Maths, Engineering and Physics, I aspire to become an engineer for NASA; Specialising in rovers and one day become a teacher. I am also a *mostly* paperless student. I use my iPad Pro 2018 in school along with the 2nd Generation Apple Pencil (had to start a war for that to be done) to take notes for the 7 subjects I take. The apps I use are: GoodNotes 5, Trello (for planning), Google Drive (to backup all of my notes) and Procreate (just for fun).

I will be posting all of my digital notes for maths, engineering science and possibly physics to this website.

When will I be posting?

I will be posting on my website whenever I have the free time (probably not much during exam season). During summer my goal is to keep this website up and blog about my life doing Youth Work, the Duke of Edinburgh’s award and other extra-curricular groups.

What are my hobbies?

My current hobbies include reading; I am currently reading In search of Schrödinger’s cat By John Gribbin, another of my hobbies is programming; I program in [Python] ( This is a general purpose programming language and is fairly easy to learn for beginners. If youth work counts as a hobby then it’s one of mine. Doing youth work my confidence has increased by a factor of 10, I have given talks to large audiences, volunteered at countless events which include: Tenants Participation event, CCC Summer Programme and lots more. Currently I volunteer at [CYA – Coatbridge Youth Action](, a group dedicated to getting the voice of young people heard and, better representing young people. I also volunteered at the Calder Friday Night Project for a few months, but I have to stop now due to exams closing in. So, there you have it, my hobbies.

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