Street Doctors Glasgow

Street Doctors is an organisation that empowers young people affected by violence to keep themselves and others safe. We are a movement of healthcare volunteers who train young people with first aid skills to become lifesavers in their communities across the UK.

We provide outreach training with young people, so we will come to where the young people are.

Young people are often there when someone gets hurt, for example, ‘knocked out’, ‘passed out’ or ‘bleeding’, and they should, and could, be the first responders before other help arrives. However, young people for a range of reasons often do not know how to help someone who is knocked­out or bleeding, know what to look out for, or can be reluctant to help. This then increases the risk for avoidable yet serious complications for those injured.

We train young people to become street doctors, turning them from bystanders into active responders through knowing what to do if someone has been stabbed, knocked out or passed out. They also learn about the physical and psychological consequences of street violence and we always have a discussion about the impact violence has on mental health.

Street Doctors offer training, including, ‘What to do if someone is knocked out,’ and ‘What to do if someone is bleeding’ lifesaving skills which also focus on the consequences of violence.

Key Training Takeaways:

  • Increased awareness of the medical consequences of violence for those attending;
  • Increased knowledge of what to do when someone is unconscious for those attending;
  • Increased knowledge of what to do when someone is bleeding for those attending;
  • Increased willingness to act in a medical emergency for those attending;
  • An opportunity to explore attitudes towards violence for those attending.

Find us on the web at:

Email the team:

Public Telephone Number: 07763 457712

I really enjoyed this training, especially because I thought first aid would drag along. But Street Doctors isn’t like that, it was enjoyable, fun and we learnt about the vital organs and how these are impacted when someone is injured, and how time is precious when helping someone. I feel like a doctor now. I know there’s nothing a qualified doctor will do any different on the street, as a first responder, than a young person who has had street doctors training!

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