Where the funds could be allocated in Garnock Valley

11 projects have applied for money in Garnock

If you live in this area- you CAN VOTE when the vote opens on 6th November, for three projects project at voting.young.scot. However please ensure that you know how to vote, young people at school or home schooling will vote with teachers in school.

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The projects in this area are:

1: Garnock Rugby Club Junior Section

We would like to purchase rugby balls and help towards the costs the club incurs to hireáalternative training facilities during the winter months. This will encourage young people to continue with physical activity all year round.

2: Garnock Valley Youth Forum

We are applying for this fund to help young people within the Garnock Valley who attend Youth Groups in relation to food poverty and the cost of living crisis. We hope that by providing young people with filling snacks and meals their health and wellbeing will be better. Most young people are being affected by the cost of living crisis and we hope that by securing funding to provide food we can help young people in our community.á

3: St Palladius Parent Council

We wish to improve the physical and mental health and well-being of the children at St. Palladius by increasing the amount of time they spend engaging in extracurricular physical activity.á We will fund sports coaches for a dance, football, and netball afterschool club. We will use the funds to promote wider achievements and allow the children to take part in sporting events outwith school.

4: Moorpark’s Bike Shed

The children of Moorpark are opening a bike shed that fixes broken bikes for free for the children in the school and the local community. ú1000 will buy the metal shed for the children to work from, tools so they have the right equipment to fix the bikes and safety equipment to ensure the children can safely carry out the work.

5: Beith Primary Parent Council

We are Beith Primary Parent Council and we love supporting our school and our young people. We strive to support them in all areas associated with being at school and are keen to help enhance their learning experiences.

6: 63rd Ayrshire Scout Kilbirnie

tables for arts and crafts tents for wild camping chopping boards and portable gas cookers for cooking skills

7: St Bridget’s Parent Council (School Show)

The St. Bridget’s Show Group provides the opportunity for pupils from Primary 4 to 7 to participate in a weekly after school club, to develop their skills in Music, Dance and Drama. This opportunity to expand their knowledge of the Expressive Arts also encourages communication and community as well as building the confidence of all pupils involved. The group will rehearse a Musical and perform this on stage for the rest of the school and local community.

This experience not only provides the opportunity for our pupils to explore Drama, Music and Dance at a greater depth, but a chance to perform on stage in a full scale musical.

8: Garnock Valley Sports Leaders

Garnock Valley Sports Leaders are a group of pupils who train in upskilling ourselves to go out into local primaries and secondary to provide sporting opportunities in the local area. As a group we want to be able to provide young people in our community with quality equal opportunities to take part in sport. We believe that this can promote healthy mental and physical wellbeing among these young people. Through leading these extra curriculum clubs, it helps boost young peopleÆs overall physically activity to help meet the governmentÆs guidance of 60 minutes a day. It teaches the young people the benefits of physical activity as well as how it can improve mental wellbeing.

We also hope that in providing new sporting opportunies for young peole that they may be able to find one the enjoy or love. Through this we will be able to sign post to local clubs in the area to help add to a sense of community and spirit

9: Warm Up This Winter

Radio City Association are aiming to tackle the cost of living crisis this winter by helping low income households support their children by supplying thermal jackets for young school children, oodies as well as gloves and hats. This project will be a continuation of our current cost of living project, which is based upon helping low income households to be more energy efficient and offer support to households in crisis. We also currently work with local schools in the community and partners to offer guidance and support

10: Active Girls Committee

North Ayrshire Active Girls Committee is a new group made up of young females from all localities in North Ayrshire. As a group we focus on empowering young females through sport and leadership.

Our Key Principles are:

Valuing Girls’ Voices

Promoting Peer Role Models

Co-creating Projects

Celebrating Unstoppable Girls

Through following these key principles we hope to have the impact that young girls and females in sport can feel that they have a voice within their community, help make decisions in sport and feel unstoppable. Furthermore, we aim for this committee to help increase:

Increased opportunities to participate in sport and physical activity

Improved access to leadership opportunities and roles in school and community sport

Greater recognition of the power of girls to motivate and inspire their peers and more opportunities to do so

Enhanced knowledge and understanding of workforce delivering PE, sport and physical activity to girls and young women

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