
All ages

What is HPV?

Find out more about the human papillomavirus, known as HPV, and the vaccination you may be offered.

What is HPV?
All ages

Golf Courses

Find out more about how to properly cross a golf course and respect the space when using it.

Golf Courses
All ages

Puberty FAQs: Boys

What is puberty and why does it make us feel the way it does? We answer your frequently asked questions!

Puberty FAQs: Boys
All ages

Gaelic | Gàidhlig

Fiosrachadh Gàidhlig, goireasan ionnsachaidh, cothroman agus barrachd! Gaelic information, learning resources, opportunities and more!

Gaelic | Gàidhlig
All ages


The Scottish Outdoor Access Code is all about your rights and responsibilities when you’re making the most of Scotland’s great…

All ages

This is How AyeFeel Podcast

This is How Aye Feel is our new Young Scot podcast. Our host Katy J chats with guests about life…

This is How AyeFeel Podcast
All ages

Let's Talk Endometriosis

March 2023 is Endometriosis Action Month, so we’ve put together some helpful resources to inform you on all things endometriosis…

Let's Talk Endometriosis
All ages

The Cost Crisis

You may have heard a lot recently about the ‘Cost Crisis’ or ‘Cost of Living Crisis’. With inflation in the…

The Cost Crisis
All ages

Young Scot Youth Voice

What is it like being a young person in Scotland today? Hear from other young Scots across the nation through…

Young Scot Youth Voice

Young Scot Schools

Find out everything you need to know about our #YSSchools Programme and how you can lead this in your school….

Young Scot Schools
All ages


#MakeTimeTo is a campaign to raise awareness of #AyeFeel and encourage young people to make time to look after their…

All ages


More useful information and practical resources to help you manage your money!

All ages

Hear From the Experts

Don’t just take our word for how you can manage your money better, hear straight from the money experts!

Hear From the Experts
All ages


Learn how to look after the pennies, so the pounds take care of themselves! Informative articles, videos and helpful resources…

All ages

Life With Endometriosis

Dionne shares how it feels to be diagnosed and live with Endometriosis, a health condition which affects about 1.5 million…

Life With Endometriosis
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