Pouch Potato: Sitting on the Risks of Nicotine Pouches

Let’s break down what nicotine pouches really are and why they might be more dangerous than they seem.

You’ve probably seen them by now – tins of nicotine pouches that have become popular among young people across Scotland. Whether it’s in clubs, schools or even on social media, these little pouches are being marketed as a “cleaner” and “safer” alternative to smoking or vaping. But before you start popping them under your lip, let’s break down what nicotine pouches really are and why they might be more dangerous than they seem.

What are nicotine pouches?

Nicotine pouches are small, white packets you tuck under your lip. They don’t contain tobacco but they do have nicotine, often in the form of nicotine salts – a stronger version of nicotine designed to be absorbed quickly by the body. Many people assume that because nicotine pouches don’t involve smoking or vaping, they’re somehow safer. No smoke, no problem, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple.

The nicotine inside these pouches can be as addictive as what you’d get from cigarettes or vapes. Nicotine salts, in particular, are designed to give a smoother experience while delivering a higher concentration of nicotine, which is why these products can pack a punch.

Nicotine addiction

Let’s not sugar coat it: nicotine is extremely addictive. Whether it’s delivered through smoke, vapour or a pouch, it interacts with your brain the same way. The more you use, the more your brain starts craving it, leading to dependency. That initial buzz might feel great but before you know it, you’re reaching for the pouches just to feel normal.

Here’s where nicotine salts come in. Because nicotine salts are absorbed so quickly and efficiently, you get a faster and more intense hit. That might sound appealing but it also means you can become addicted quicker than you’d expect. Some pouches contain as much as 20 mg of nicotine – roughly the same as a full pack of cigarettes – making it easier to get hooked. Once that happens, stopping can be seriously tough, bringing on irritability, anxiety and cravings that take over your day.

Not as harmless as you think

While nicotine pouches are marketed as a “cleaner” alternative, the risks they pose aren’t as easy to spot. For starters, nicotine salts can be harsh on your mouth and gums. Frequent use of these pouches can lead to gum irritation, receding gums and even tooth loss. Some users have reported that their gums started to feel sore after just a few days of using the pouches. And let’s not forget that prolonged exposure to nicotine has been linked to an increased risk of mouth cancers.

There’s also the fact that, unlike traditional cigarettes or vapes, nicotine pouches haven’t been around for very long, meaning we don’t have solid research on their long-term effects yet. We know the short-term risks, like addiction and oral health issues, but what will 10 or 20 years of nicotine pouches do to your body? The answer is: we just don’t know – and that’s a pretty big gamble to take with your health.

The flavour trap

Nicotine pouches come in all sorts of flavours, from fruity blends like berry and citrus to minty fresh options. While they might make the experience more enjoyable, flavours are also a clever way to mask the fact that you’re consuming a highly addictive substance. It’s easy to lose track of how much you’re using when you’re constantly reaching for something that tastes like chewing gum.

Plus, let’s not forget the peer pressure factor. These pouches are becoming more common in social settings because they’re discreet and don’t leave a smell like cigarettes. But don’t let that fool you. Just because you can use them without anyone noticing doesn’t mean they’re risk-free. In fact, this might make them even more dangerous, as it becomes easier to use them more often without fully realising the harm you’re doing.

Making informed choices

Before you consider using nicotine pouches, ask yourself why. Are you curious or are you looking for an alternative to smoking or vaping? If it’s the latter, there are healthier ways to quit nicotine altogether. Free services like Quit Your Way Scotland offer support and advice to help you kick the habit, whether you’re a smoker, a vaper or someone who’s already started using pouches.


Nicotine pouches might be popular but they come with serious risks. From the strong nicotine hit delivered by nicotine salts to the potential damage to your gums and teeth, these little pouches can lead to big problems. So, make sure you know the dangers and make an informed decision. Trust us – your health is worth more than a quick buzz. Don’t get tricked into thinking these products are a safe bet – they could leave you stuck in a cycle of addiction and harm that’s harder to escape than you realise. Don’t be a pouch potato!

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