He / him
Why did you stand to be an MSYP?
I am passionate about making a difference to the lives of young people in rural areas, and, in particular, those most in need in the Scottish Borders. I believe that every young person should be able to achieve their potential and I want to play a role in making sure for every young person in the Borders, that is possible.
What one thing are you most looking forward to about being an MSYP?
I am looking forward to seeing my ideas come to fruition, or at least seeing ideas that have been in my head or scribbled down as notes turn into reality.
What are your interests outside of being an MSYP?
I love playing rugby, and I also lead a ceilidh band
What will be your first objective as an MSYP?
Getting in touch with, and building relationships with school pupils, staff, local councillors, and businesses to discuss and understand how they see a) their role in supporting young people b) what we’re already doing c) what they think they can/want to do and d) what major challenges they see in achieving progress.
How can constituents contact you?
Email: rory.hamilton.msyp@sypmail.org.uk
Also follow me on Instagram @rory4erb and Facebook
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