Where the funds could be allocated in Garnock Valley

14 projects have applied for money in Arran

If you live in this area- you CAN VOTE when the vote opens on 6th November, for three projects project at voting.young.scot. However please ensure that you know how to vote, young people at school or home schooling will vote with teachers in school.

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The projects in this area are:

1: Arran High School Mountain Bike Club

We would like to purchase a fleet of free to use bikesáfor our newápump track at Dyemill Bike Park.á This will give children and young people the opportunity to try before they invest a bike of their own and reduce any financial barrier to participation.

2: Outdoor Play/Learning for Shiskine Primary School and Early Years Class

Shiskine Primary School and Early Years Class have recently fund raisedáfor a polytunnel which we planáto develop and use for children’s learning. We require to purchase further resources and equipment to help develop our project.áWe want to continue to encouage more time outdoors in our environment and to enhance our space for learning and exploring for children. Parents and the wider Community can be involved and support the school growing their own fruit and vegetables as an enterprise and plan to sell at our local farmers market. The children can use the produce that they have grown to make food and in class.

We want to promote Health and Wellbeing, sustainability goals and learning as this is very important for our families within the Community of Shiskine Primary School and Early years Class. This will be a fun project for all!

3: Financial help for fitting out education building for rescues volunteers

I’m asking for help with the costs of tables chairs and fixtures for an educational building for the rescue centre The rescue has around 30 community volunteers that help with the day to day running of the centre including youngsters with additional support needs.

4: Arran Junior Football

S1-S6 young people have a chance to compete against mainland football teams from across the country in the Scottish Schools Cup, a great opportunity for island youngsters to play in competitive games.

5: Activities for young people on Arran

Funding for youth work on Arran, to provide activities and buy equipment as per the requests of local young people.

6: Arran Young Sports Leaders

Arran Young Sports Leaders support a number of island wide programmes and events across the year. ItÆs important for the Young Leaders to be recognisable with team kit, which should be worn at these events.

7: Multi-Sports Club

Throughout the year, a mulit-sports club runs for P5-P7 youngsters across all 7 primaries on the Isle of Arran. A great way to build relationships with pupils from a variety of schools, preparing youngsters for high school.

8: Outdoor Learning/ Reading Space Kilmory Primary

Kilmory Primary School are looking to replace their well-loved and utterly exhausted wendy house.  As the Parent Council we helped fund the first one many years ago, and our parents have maintained it and repaired it for as long as possible, but sadly it is just too tired to continue. This space is used for discovery and free-play time for students during their outdoor learning, as well as their breaks. It is also a space where peer reading, quiet reading and class story times are enjoyed by the students. It provides an alternative learning space and congregating point for the students to re-group during their outdoor learning sessions, where a wee bit of respite from the weather can be had!

9: Corrie Primary School- Swimming Lessons

We are the Parent Council for Corrie Primary School and we support the school financially in delivering Swimming Lessons to each of the pupils from P1-P7.

10: Brodick Parent Council Eco Group Project

Brodick Parents have been working together for years to develop the school playground for the benefit of children and their families.  The local village nursery has recently attached onto the school, which is great to have all of the children together but it does reduce the space that the children have to play and work in.  The playground is mostly tarmac and therefore the only soft area that can be used is a small grass space that parents fundraised for years ago but has been halved in size due to the nursery build. We would like to make the best use of this space and turn it into an area that all children and their families can benefit from during school events and also community events. 

11: Arran Junior Shinty Club

We are a relatively new club on the Island, and we are growing in numbers by the week.

12: Swimming lessons- Lamlash Primary P1-P7

To ensure all P1-P7 at Lamlash primary school have access to swimming classes. Living on an island surrounded by water it’s important that all children have the opportunity to learn to swim.

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