Renfrewshire SYP Elections 2023 Update

This election season is unlike any other we have had in Renfrewshire, for the first time since its introduction, all seats for Paisley, Renfrewshire North-West and Renfrewshire South are uncontested. This is due to a number of reasons such as low uptake for the roles, young people not wanting to take away from their studies and young people having a number of commitments so feel they wouldn’t do the role justice. Those who have come forward to stand are passionate about the issues affecting young people and can’t wait to get started later this year.

The young people who are MSYP-Elects are primed and ready to take up their roles and represent the young people of Renfrewshire on a local and national scale, they understand their roles, the importance of it and what it means. They are ready to be a voice and be the bridge between young people and decision-makers on issues that affect their lives and will work to positively improve outcomes for all young people across Renfrewshire, many of the MSYP-Elects have already taken up key roles within Renfrewshire Youth Voice and will undertake training to gain key skills and experience that will enable them to become to take up their roles with confidence.

Your MSYP-Elects will take up their roles from the end of November 2023.

If you would like to know more about the elections in Renfrewshire, how you can use your voice or anything related, please get in touch.

You can find out more about your current MSYP on the Scottish Youth Parliament website.

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