PACHEDU’s main goal is to promote diversity, equality, tolerance and dignity for diverse communities in Renfrewshire and the West of Scotland.  They want to help ethnic minorities be more active and visible in shaping and being a part of their community.

This includes:

  • reducing isolation – offering groups, services, activities and events people can go along to as well as sharing information on other community events
  • promoting cultural diversity – helping you celebrate your culture, be proud and showcase it to others
  • bridge generational and diverse cultural backgrounds – offering events and opportunities to work with people of different ages and also different backgrounds so that you can share your culture and heritage and learn about others
  • enhance the capacity of minority ethnic communities to advance their health and socio-economic activities – ensure you have access to and understand health services and also the chances to help you and your community flourish

The PACHEDU website also has a projects section where you can find out about current projects running that you could get involved in.  Also, check out the PACHEDU Facebook and Twitter.

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