Glasgow MSYPs – Maryhill and Springburn – Hayden Atkin

Hayden Atkin, MSYP for Glasgow Maryhill and Springburn

Hi there! I’ve been an MSYP for two terms now. I am passionate about youth & community empowerment and involving young people in community. I think it’s important that young people have a say in the activities in their community.

I wanted to become a MSYP as I want to ensure that young people within Maryhill and Springburn had a real voice and seat at the table.

What do you want to achieve as an MSYP 

I wanted to become a MSYP as I want to ensure that young people within Maryhill and Springburn had a real voice and seat at the table

What are three important issues you’re passionate about? 

Education  Environment  Justice  

Tell us a fun fact about yourself 

I have met the Prime Minister and have been for a walk with him.  

For more information on the work of the Scottish Youth Parliament, please visit their website: To get in touch with this MSYP, please send a contact request to, making sure that you include their name and constituency.

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