Glasgow MSYPs – Provan – Esperanza Giesen

Esperanza Giesen, MSYP for Glasgow Provan

Hi! I’m Esperanza. I moved to Glasgow from Latin America six years ago. SYP has been a massive part of me discovering my interests since I began in SYP in 2021. As an MSYP, I had the opportunity to take part in the Women’s Empowerment Project working group, as well as the Anti – racism movement. Outside of SYP, I’m studying Sociology and International Relation at the University of Glasgow, and in my free time, I enjoy reading and writing about feminism and different trending topics affecting the world.

I wanted to become and MSYP because I wanted to make a change in the lives of the young people who are affected by different issues every day as well as encourage them to get involved in fighting against issues that directly impact them and their community. I saw that issues such as racism and injustice are very present in young people’s lives and their voices weren’t listened to during decision-making processes and I wanted to change this.

I have achieved a lot in SYP. I’ve been able to directly connect and speak with young people, creating small changes in my community. But I what I would like to achieve as an MSYP is to inspire other young people through my experiences as an ethnic minority to raise their voices against day to day injustices.

What are three important issues you’re passionate about? 

I’m passionate about equality, rights and education.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself 

My favourite colour is lilac and my favourite animals are cows, they’re just so beautiful!

For more information on the work of the Scottish Youth Parliament, please visit their website: To get in touch with this MSYP, please send a contact request to, making sure that you include their name and constituency.

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