Glasgow MSYPs – Cathcart – Ellie Craig

Ellie Craig, MSYP for Glasgow Cathcart

I have been an MSYP since 2019 and am now also the Chair of the Scottish Youth Parliament. I also represent the organisation as a trustee of Young Scot, Scotland’s National Youth Information and Citizenship Charity. Outside of SYP I am studying politics and sociology at the University of Glasgow and I work part time as a youth-worker at a young carers centre.

I wanted to become an MSYP to push for young people to more involved in decisions that affect us. I saw there were issues in things like education and was disappointed that young people’s voices didn’t seem to be included in the decision making around these.

What do you want to achieve as an MSYP 

I have already achieved so much in my time as an MSYP! One highlight was representing young people at SYPs Annual takeover of the Scottish Cabinet with the first minister, where I spoke on Childhood bereavement. I am hoping to continue my work on this topic which affects many in my constituency through my campaign called ‘GrievingAndGrowing’.

What are three important issues you’re passionate about? 

Youth Work, Rights, Education

Tell us a fun fact about yourself 

I have three cats called Millie, Max and Sooty!

For more information on the work of the Scottish Youth Parliament, please visit their website: To get in touch with this MSYP, please send a contact request to, making sure that you include their name and constituency.


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