Where the funds could be allocated in Kilwinning

10 projects have applied for money in Kilwinning

If you live in this area- you CAN VOTE when the vote opens on 6th November, for three projects project at voting.young.scot. However please ensure that you know how to vote, young people at school or home schooling will vote with teachers in school.

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The projects in this area are:

1: Kilwinning Academy Parent Council

Kilwinning Academy Parent Council are applying for funds to support the mental health & wellbeing of a targeted group of male pupils through a fitness and confidence building programme delivered by BetterU Fitness in Kilwinning.

2: Kilwinning Multisports Club

We are a group of young leaders who help facilitate Multisports clubs and events for the local youth community in the Kilwinning area.

3: Picnic in the Park

Picnic is planned for Thursday 8th August 2024. The day Kilwinning comes out to play and picnic in McGavin Park. It’s a free to attend day with try it sessions from local groups, kilwinning sports club, KA Leisire and Youth services. Music on our stage showcasing local singers and bands. Kids entertainment from Uncle Billy and Fabulous Fraser offering magic shows and ballon modelling all free.  Plus free access to a toddles area with dedicated inflatables and activities for under 2s free.  

In addition subsidised wristband deal for sessions on inflatables, kids rides, bungees and trampolines.  

4: Kilwinning Rangers 2014

Kilwinning Rangers 2014 are a community youth football team, who pride themselves on working hard to give children born in 2014 the opportunity to participate in football and be part of a team. We have grew our team to 30 players and have 3 teams playing 7 a side currently. All coaches are volunteers who give up their time each week for two training sessions and games on a Sunday. Our goal is for all players to have new experiences and opportunities to help them grow but we are faced with financial challenges for the families and also the team to be able to provide everything we wish to help them progress

5: Kilwimbledon Tennis Club

We wish to apply for funding to purchase new tennis nets, rackets and balls to enhance our new Tennis courts that are nearly at the completion stage. Over the years we have successfully ran tennis summer camps at the club with the small pop up nets on our astro turf. The camps have always been busy and the particapants have had a great time. The funding will allow us to invest in new equiptment for the community to use during the year as we will now run a year long tennis programme. The new courts will be the only tennis courts in Kilwinning and are bound to be a hit given our past track record of delievering successfull projects. we are in the process of forming a constitued Tennis Club who will use this funding to go from strenght to strength.

6: Whitehurst Park Primary Parent Council

We are looking to secure funding which will be used to support the pupils of Whitehirst Park Primary school. Funding will be used for transport, which will allow pupils to attend sporting events and events involving the arts (Music, Drama and Expressive Arts). Securing this funding will ensure that we can work actively to support our children from the school by allowing them to experience a range of opportunites whilst enhancing their learning. The opportunities to engage them in the lessons and learning they are exposed to in school, but in an out of school environment will help them understand the importane of their learning and give them long lasting memories. Some additional funding will be used to supplement the in-school resources related to these subjects. 

7: Play Leaders Supported by St Luke’s Parent Council

The Play Leaders, supported by the Parent Council, are requesting ú1000 to purchase play and sporting equipment so they can provide a variety of free and accessible extracurricular opportunities during and after school.  As a Rights Respecting Gold School, we consistently advocate pupil voice and participation in the planning and delivery of events, improvements and decision making.  The Play Leaders consulted over 200 children who advised health and wellbeing, well-resourced clubs and improvements to the playground are a top priority.  Therefore they wish to purchase equipment which will enable them to deliver a diverse programme of play and sporting activities and encourage wider pupil participation.  In addition to physical skills, participating children will develop skills in communication, determination, resilience and motivation.  The Play Leaders also recognise the significance of leading a healthy and active lifestyle and aim to inspire other children to do so by encouraging them to take part in fun, physical, well-resourced and organised games and activities in a safe and nurturing environment throughout the day.

8: Kilwinning Rangers 2013’s

Kilwinning Rangers 2013’s are a community club, who are proud to offer our young children the opportunity to participate in football. We are striving to give our team as many opportunities to grow as footballers and people however, we recognise the financial challenges facing our team and their families.  

We have great ideas on improving the opportunities for our players and their families but unfortunately we do not have the finances to make these dreams a reality. Many of the parents of our players are unable to drive and we have hired busses in the past to help them transport their kid to games and tournaments. However, this is very expensive and has taken money away from buying much needed equipment for example.

A successful application would allow us to improve the experience we currently offer to our team and take the finiancial burden away from the parents.

9: Eglinton Growers Allotments

Eglinton Growers Allotments would like to apply for funds to host two free events for the local community , an Easter Egg Hunt and a Santas Grotto in 2024. This will be an excellent way of bringing the community and the allotments together and show casing what is available on our site whilst providing free famility fun, invaluable in a cost of living crisis. 2023’a Easter egg hunt was an amazing success with the event providing free Easter treats for 100 children (check out our FB page photos of the joyful photos of the children taking part). and a  Xmas event due to take place in Dec 20223.

We believe its important to invite local families to our beautiful site, especially in the current economical crisis for them to enjoy free family fun days without the financial worry, enabling those who simply could not afford a family day of fun with their children/granchildren within their local area.   

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