The Myths About Food Poverty

How much do you know about the ways in which food poverty affects people in Scotland and across the UK? We separate the myths from the facts.

1. Myth: Poverty doesn’t exist in Scotland

Fact: More than 230,000 children in Scotland live in relative poverty.

2. Myth: People suffer from poverty because they’re lazy and don’t want to work

Fact: People suffering from poverty may be socially excluded which makes it very difficult for them to find work. Also, lots of people who work are still in poverty.

3. Myth: It’s easy to identify people in the community suffering from hunger

Fact: If someone is living in poverty they may feel embarrassed and want to hide it. You may never realise what conditions they are living through. 

4. Myth: It’s up to food banks to solve the problem of food poverty in Scotland

Fact: Poverty in Scotland can be solved if the government, organisations, charities AND individuals get involved.  Show your support to eradicate hunger.

Did you know? Over 210,000 people in Scotland received three-day emergency food supplies from the Trussell Trust last year. (Trussell Trust Report)

5. Myth: Only adults and businesses can donate to local food banks

Many young people understand how important is is to help their community by making food donations and running fundraising events.

6. Myth: We can only help the people that live in Scotland who are experiencing food poverty

Fact: There are many charities who are taking action to improve food security abroad. You can get involved with organisations such as Action Against Hunger or Mary’s Meals.

7. Myth: Only adults, organisations and governments can make a real difference

Fact: You can join any one of the charities who are looking to make a difference to food poverty in the world, and you may even want to volunteer abroad.

How can I get involved? 

Find out more about the work of organisations who are working to end poverty, and how you can help them: 

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Meet Lisa from the Senior Phase and Youth Participation Team

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