Find out about the youth work team in Brechin and Montrose


Meet the team – Brechin and Montrose


The Brechin and Montrose Team have put together some information to introduce themselves…time to meet….


Elaine Glennie – Communities Officer


Hi, I’m Elaine and I am a youth worker in the Brechin & Montrose team.  I work in schools and in the community with young people.  My work with young people covers:

  • healthy relationships
  • mental health
  • sexual health
  • peer education
  • outdoor learning
  • life skills
  • youth awards (Hi-5, Dynamic Youth, Youth Achievement)

If you want to find out more or want to have a chat you can contact me on 07468716225, e-mail or find me on Facebook or on Instagram 

Chrissy Dand – Communities Officer

Hi, I work with people over the age of 16, who would like help improving their skills. This covers a wide range of things such as:

  • understanding bills,
  • how to make a budget,
  • help to write a formal letter,
  • how to send attachments from your mobile phone,
  • help to study for work related tests like Police entrance exam,
  • classes for people who have English as a second language,
  • family learning sessions,

We also provide support on writing CV’s and job applications.  People can work towards Adult Achievement Awards and range of other SQA’s.  If you have something you would like to work on contact me for a chat on 07552212483, email or find me on Facebook 

Graeme Hodge – Communities Officer

Hi I am part of the Brechin and Montrose  Communities team, I work  with people and groups / organisations in the community in a range of activities:

  • Supporting community groups/ organisations
  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Outdoor Learning
  • Engaging with the community
  • Tenant participation
  • Supporting Communities Volunteers
  • Youth & adult Awards (Hi5, Dynamis Youth, Youth Achievement)

If you want to find out more or want to have a chat you can contact me on 0755 7758637, e-mail or find me on Facebook

Darren Logan – Communities Assistant

Hi, I’m Darren and I am a youth worker in the Brechin & Montrose team Communities team.  I work with young people from Montrose Academy and Brechin community campus. I also work alongside youth work organisations in Brechin and Montrose. My work with young people covers:

  • Healthy relationships
  • Mental /Sexual Health
  • Assisting in the development of youth organisations
  • outdoor learning
  • life skills
  • youth awards (Hi-5, Dynamic Youth, Youth Achievement)

If you want to find out more or want to have a chat you can contact me on 07557499113, e-mail or find me on Facebook 

Ken Macindoe – Communities Assistant

Hi, I’m part of the Brechin and Montrose communities team and I work with people who would like help improving their skills. This covers a wide range of things such as:

  • Literacy & Numeracy
  • IT skills (including digital literacy)
  • Life skills
  • Opportunities to obtain qualifications (SQA , Adult Achievement award)
  • Young scot media group  (including digital design)

If you want to find out more drop me an  e-mail

Aileen LawsonCommunities Assistant

Hi I’m Aileen and here to assist you to learn new skills at your pace.  My work covers :

  • Digital Literacies
  • Family learning
  • IT Skills                                            
  • Get ready for work  (including  CV Building,  Interview Skills, JCP work book)                 
  • Adult Achievement Awards

   If you want to find out more drop me an e-mail

Sandra Livingston ? Communities Officer

I work to support a range of community groups to influence and deliver services within their community:

  • Ensuring that individuals and groups have the necessary skills and knowledge to progress their aims.
  • Helping to connect community and Local Authority departments, public, private and voluntary organisations.
  • Community Asset Transfer ? both lease and purchase.
  • Participatory Budgeting.
  • Locality Planning.
  • Adult Achievement Awards.

If you want to find out more or just have a chat about how I can help you or your group you can contact me on 07879110424, email, or find me on Facebook or you can message the team Facebook page

Dianne Brand –  Community Empowerment Support Officer

Hi, I’m Dianne and I am the main point of contact for Community Asset Transfers. My main role is to help community groups who wish to take over an asset and make the process as easy as possible in line with current legislation.

I also deal with Participatory Budgeting.

If you need advice on any of the above drop me an email and I’ll be happy to help

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