Meet the Glasgow Life Team – Shona

Hi! I’m Shona McLeod. I am a Libraries and Communities Officer with Glasgow Life

I work in the North East of the city and cover Calton, East Centre, Springburn/Robroyston and Dennistoun. I also deliver our Inclusion theme, which aims to make sure that we involve all young people in our activities and programmes and reduce barriers to them attending. We support other organisations to promote inclusion as well.

How long have you worked for Glasgow Life?

I’ve worked for Glasgow Life for 20 years, working in areas all over the city delivering youth work programmes.

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I think it’s really important that youth work makes a difference to young people’s lives and I love to see the changes in the young people I work with as they progress and build skills and confidence.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself 

I worked in dog kennels when I was 16 and took 30 puppies out for a walk at a time! It was so much fun – I love all dogs, but my favourite breed of dog is a border collie.

To get in touch with Shona, please drop us an email at Or give us a call on 0141 287 4350

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