Meet the Glasgow Life Team -Tricia

Hi! I’m Tricia Park. I’m a Libraries and Communities Officer with Glasgow Life.

I work in the north of the city and with young people in Possil, Maryhill, Canal, Hillhead, Yorkhill, Anderston, City Centre. I am doing streetwork in Summerston and Maryhill because it’s been identified that there’s nothing there. I am also responsible for digital and STEM work across the city. We deliver coder-dojo and the Young STEM leaders programmes.

How long have you worked for Glasgow Life?

I’ve worked for Glasgow Life for over 20 years. Before that I worked with young people with Autism in a day care centre.  

What’s your favourite thing about your job?

I love seeing young people grow into confident citizens. It’s great to see young people starting out shy and finding their voice.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself 

I can still do a cartwheel! 😊

To get in touch with Tricia, please drop us an email at Or give us a call on 0141 287 4350

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