Other Activities for Young People in Kirriemuir

Drop-in’s, youth clubs and other things to do in Kirriemuir, Angus.

Kirriemuir Community Allotment Association

Interested in growing your own food? Nowhere to do it?

We are Kirriemuir Community Allotment Association and we are in the process of taking on the old allotment site in Kirriemuir and converting it into a Community Allotment.

Angus Wide Youth Work Team (Angus Council)

Lots of different activities for young people including activities during and after school, holiday activities and one off fun events.  Check out the Facebook page or get in touch with workers for more information.

Sustainable Kirrie

Our vision is for Kirriemuir to be a sustainable net-zero community where people and nature flourish. We have a variety of volunteering opportunities in our key areas of Food & Growing, Action for Nature, Active & Sustainable Travel and Sustainable Living. We also hold regular workshops and events focused on these themes. Visit our website to find out more.

Kirrie Youth Project

A Drop-In facility for 12-17 year olds in the centre of Kirriemuir.

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