Cumbernauld, Kilsyth, Moodiesburn and the North area Groups and Activities

Find out what’s happening in your local area each day of the week.


Duke of Edinburgh, Cumbernauld Open

Time and Place: Various

Support to local individuals 14+, groups and organisations participating (or considering participating) in the Duke of Edinburgh Awards


Pivot Youth Group Free (10-12yrs)

Time & Place: 7 – 8.45pm, Pivot C.C. Moodiesburn.

Sports, fun and games, challenges, quizzes, opportunity to take part in accredited learning, volunteering and lots more at our weekly sessions with your youth work team. Youth work opportunities to support young people in positive learning opportunities to develop self -confidence, new skills, raise awareness of your talents and abilities.

Support to young people with registration of Free Bus Travel for them to be able to participate in youth work opportunities as it opens their world and enables them to assert independence.

Kilsyth and Villages Junior Youth Group (P7)

6PM-8PM Garrell Vale

Junior Youth Group focussing on positive mental health & well-being; confidence & self-esteem; and the transition to High School using a range of activities such as arts & crafts, sports, cooking, drama and music. Participants will also have the opportunity to participate in accredited awards such as NL Challenge, Hi5 Awards, Dynamic Youth Awards


Pivot Music Group (10+Yrs)

Time and Place: 4pm – 5.45pm, Pivot C.C. Moodiesburn.

Opportunity for young people to participate in Pre-record and live performances, Write Songs, Quizzes, Art, and Musical Challenges. Intergenerational – Community Involvement – Entertaining Community Groups on a voluntary basis, accreditation and much more!

NLC (10+ Yrs)

Time & Place; 6.00- 7.45pm, Pivot C.C. Moodiesburn.

A free fun youth work opportunity to participate in accredited learning, develop self-confidence, new skills, raise awareness of your talents and abilities. Work as part of a team promoting active citizenship within your community. (Volunteering, Skills, Physical, Adventure sections).

The Space

Time and Place: 7-9pm Cumbernauld

We meet on a weekly basis: fun, games, challenges, quizzes and an opportunity to take part in accreditation. A supportive space for LGBT+ young people and their allies.

Kilsyth, Queenzieburn, Croy & Banton Senior Youth Group (S2+)

Time & Place: 7-9pm, Garrell Vale CEC, Kilsyth

Youth group focussing on youth issues, activities and events. As well as the opportunity to engage and participate in a range of youth awards (DofE, NL Challenge, Youth Achievement Awards, Dynamic Youth Awards, Hi5, Young STEM Leaders Award, John Muir award and more.

Kilsyth & Villages Youth Voice Group (S1+)

Time and Place: 5- 6.30pm, Garrell Vale CEC, Kilsyth

Group consists of representatives/young people attending youth groups/events and who have an interest in youth issues (local, national & worldwide) and who work towards having their collective voice heard and listened to. Members will also be present at NLC Youth Council meetings where they will meet and work alongside other Youth Voice groups/members as well as elected members and NLC leaders

Youth Action Cumbernauld (YAK)

Time and Place: 6pm – 7pm, Cumbernauld

Youth Voice meets weekly to discuss our area, what we want to see, and how we can make it happen. We’re always looking for new voices!


Pivot Youth Voice Group (11+Yrs)

Time and Place: 6pm – 7.45pm. Pivot Community Centre, Moodiesburn.

Youth Voice Group within the Northern Corridor Area who meet on a weekly basis to discuss local issues within the area and work in partnership with various organisations, attend Listening events, Community Boards- LOIPS (Children & Young People Subgroup) and look at ways on how we can make a difference to the community!

We are always looking for new voices! All welcome!


Future Fridays: Duke of Edinburgh

Time and Place: 1-3pm, Cumbernauld Academy

Learning, developing self-confidence and new skills, raising awareness of your talents and abilities. Work as part of a team promoting active citizenship within your community. (Volunteering, Skills, Physical, Adventure sections)

Pivot Friday Night Project! (Age 13+)

Time and place: 5.30pm – 9.30pm, Pivot Community Centre, Moodiesburn.

Pivot FNP – is aimed at 13+ aged young people and the focus will be on mental health & wellbeing, confidence and self-esteem, also supports young people to have access to safe spaces, peer support and building trusted relationships with youth work staff/community volunteers.

Activities – sports, music, cooking, graffiti art, podcasts, quiz nights, and challenges, the group will also develop and work on issue-based sessions addressing youth issues.

Divert young people into positive learning programmes to support their personal development so they can become responsible citizens within the FNP and their own community.

Future Fridays – Duke of Edinburgh Awards Group (S3+)

Time and Place: 1.30-3.30pm, Garrell Vale CEC, Kilsyth

The group meet weekly (during school terms) to undertake, participate and achieve Duke of Edinburgh Awards at all levels. Current group working towards their Bronze Award

Future Fridays: Living Life to the Full (S1, S2, S3, S4)

Place: Pivot Community Centre, Moodiesburn.

Gain support, take part in activities to help you understand why you feel the way you do and help look at things differently to make you feel better, help relax, lift your mood and have fun!

Mental Health & Wellbeing – Youth Work 1-1 support.

Learn how to play an instrument, pre-record and live performances, and write songs, quizzes, art, and musical challenges.

Friday Fun Club

Time and place: Tryst Sports Centre 4pm-6pm

A fun youth work opportunity to participate in accredited learning, develop self confidence, new skills and raise awareness of your talents and abilities. Work as part of a team promoting active citizenship within your community. (Volunteering, Skills, Physical and Adventure sections).


Saturday Night Project

Time and Place: 6.30-9.30 pm

Support young people to have access to safe spaces that promotes physical activity, improves mental health and wellbeing, peer support and builds trusted relationships with youth work staff and coaches.

Email for more information or follow our Twitter @NLCYouthwork.


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