East Renfrewshire Youth PB - Where Can The Money Go?

29 projects have applied for funding in the latest round of Youth Participatory Budgeting in East Renfrewshire

there is £14,500 to allocate, of which £2500 is ringfenced for environmental projects (any project that includes the environment as a category below can be included in the £2500)

If you live in this area- you CAN VOTE NOW for fourprojects project at voting.young.scot. However please ensure that you know how to vote, young people at school or home schooling will vote with teachers in school.

The projects in this area are:

Mearns Castle PD Skills Development

Theme(s) Personal Development + Mental Health & Wellbeing


We would like funding to be able to go on trips out of school as a class where we need to use skills that we are developing in our personal development class. We have chosen to go to Lapwing Lodge Outdoor Education Centre for high ropes and laser tag.

Mearns Castle Senior PD in Action

Theme(s) Personal Development + Mental Health & Wellbeing


We are applying to fund trips out of school that will help us work on our physical and mental wellbeing by challenging us in these areas, we believe paint balling and escape rooms would do this.

Mearns Castle PD Do Dungeons

Theme(s) Personal Development + Mental Health & Wellbeing


We would love a chance to do some cross subject learning in a fun way at the Edinburgh Dungeons. We are a group of teenagers at the beginning of our PD journey, building social skills to help us in life. These opportunities give us the chance to be more independent and have a say in our learning.

Another Great Night

Theme(s) Community Safety


We are a small group of young, female – led local filmmakers who got together earlier this year to create our film “ Another Great Night”. It was filmed entirely in Clarkston, East Renfrewshire and highlights the harassment faced by women walking home alone at night. To further the effects of the film, we are applying to take our film to upcoming film festivals, such as: London Short Film Festival, Women’s International Film Festival and the BAFTA Scotland Awards.

Wednesday Girls Group

Theme(s) Personal Development +  Mental Health & Wellbeing


We are a group of neurodiverse young females who meet every week to come together and take part in activities such as arts and crafts, group work activities, gardening, and baking. We like to spend time together in our group after school or work to chill out and do fun things and would use this funding to buy materials to enable us to continue this.

Project Fortnite

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal Development + Community Safety


Cosgrove Care is planning to hold fortnightly social events for young people with learning disabilities, autism, and complex needs who live in our local community. We would like to offer activities and safe venues where young people could meet, do things they enjoy and be supported. This could be meeting up in a park, cinema, bowling, or making music at our hub.

Blu’s Clawset

Theme(s) Community Safety, Personal Development + Mental Health & Wellbeing


With a large amount of animal lovers and owners in East Renfrewshire, my dog harnesses and pet tags keep their dogs safe and marked incase a dog should get lost or stolen. A dog should always have a tag with the relevant details incase of an emergency. This project will help to create dog accessories and pet supplies with other young people, teaching them how to make the products and distribute them free to the local community.

Fun Food Fridays

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal Development + Community Safety


We are applying for funding for Barrhead S1+ youth club that runs from the Museum every Friday night. Many young people in our youth club admit to falling into bad eating habits such as drinking lots of energy juice and eating sweets as a meal. Our project Fun Food Fridays plans to use the safe space we have at youth club each week to educate ourselves on better food and drink choices and learn how to prepare food safely; the skills we learn will be skills for life.

Graduate Snow Camp

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal Development + Community Safety


The project is ran by Snow Camp Scotland, which gives young people the opportunity to learn how to ski or snowboard. As a group, we have already taken part in introductory lessons and had great fun. The next step in the process is the opportunity to take part in a 6 week course to expand our skills and knowledge, getting us our ASDAN award in Sport and Fitness and 1 step closer to becoming qualified ski and snowboard instructors.

Extreme Makeover – Support Room!

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing


We want our support room to have a little makeover for lots of reasons. We want it to feel more welcoming for young people to come and express their feelings. We would like a space that is more nurturing and allows us to express who we are.

St Lukes High Girls Football

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing + Accessibility


Our project idea is to have the opportunity to have our own football kits, as right now we have to share with the school’s boys teams. When we have games on the same day, we have to compete in our PE kit as they have priority – this isn’t ideal in a competitive environment as we should be able to have a number on our backs with the correct attire to play our sport safely. We have had such a large increase in the number of girls who want to be involved in the team and we would love to have the opportunity to represent our school with pride.

Mindful Space

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing + Community Safety


We would like to create a Mental Health and Wellbeing project to support young people at Neilston Youth Club by providing: Mindfulness packs consisting of a range of mindfulness colouring, affirmation and goal setting cards, face masks, different scents + refreshments. As well as a range of fun, creative based activities when young people are at the youth club, such as meditation, yoga, craft based activities and baking.

East Renfrewshire Sports Leadership – First Aid

Theme(s) Personal Development


To fund a First Aid Qualification for myself and up to 28 young people in East Renfrewshire’s Sports Leadership Academy. The Leadership Academy is designed to provide high quality, regular support, training and development for 28 young people (across the 7 high schools) who are commited to actively volunteering within their school and community. The aim is to give these young people an understanding of what it means to be an effective leader and knowledge of the skills and abilities they will need in order to lead others successfully.

Woodfarm Football Kits

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing


Our school pupils will feel more comfortable in higher quality strips, this will also increase the participation of pupils playing football.We are hardworking pupils who love football, yet we think that our maximum potential of the football team is being held back because of the quality of the strips as they have been the same kits for over 6 years.

Barrhead High School Active Girls’ (Netball / Football)

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing + Personal Development


To promote positive mental health and wellbeing for pupils through building an exciting new Netball Club and Girls Football Club at Barrhead High School. We would like to purchase netball + football kits, equipment and funds for up to 25 young leaders to take part in a Netball Scotland Training Course.

S1 Leadership Programme Barrhead

Theme(s) Environment, Mental Health & Wellbeing + Personal Development


Our project is to transform and make use of the outdoor area of our school. It will allow our group to have a say in our school and create a safe space and sense of belonging. We will develop leadership skills throughout and work together in teams to promote positivehealth and wellbeing to all pupils throughout the school.

Wild Wednesdays

Theme(s) Community Safety + Personal Development


We would like to develop a boxing / fitness space within the youth drop in. Youth drop in is attended by lots of young people on a weekly basis. The drop in is a safe space for us to come with our mates, try new things and be safe in our community. This project will help more young people to become active, help us to develop our knowledge on fitness, health and nutrition in general and will allow us to try new experiences in a fun, safe space.

Baby Love

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing


We are a group of young parents who wish to provide our babies with fun, safe and learning activities and opportunities when we are at our group. We hope to buy some new and fun sensory toys for our group. We would also like to provide our group with opportunities such as having parties and fun events as some of our babies cannot be in large crowded areas, so we want to host smaller Halloween and Christmas parties for our babies when they are at the group. As young people ourselves, we would also like to be able to have some fun health and wellbeing sessions to support us as young parents.

Champions Board Wellbeing Group

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal Development + Accessibility


Our Champions Board is a group for care experienced young people to come together and have our voices heard, and try change things for the better for future generations for young people in care. As part of the group, one of our goals is to help young people like myself who are suffering with mental health and realise there are people who care and will listen. To help us exercise this, we would like to get away for a couple days, so that we can be filled with laughter and have a safe space to talk and explore our feelings. This will also give us the chance to bond as a group and think about how we take forward some of our work.

Rulebreakers on the Go

Theme(s) Accessibility, Mental Health & Wellbeing + Personal Development


We would like to go on some trips outside of when we normally meet, to give us experiences which we wouldn’t be able to otherwise. We would like to go to places such as: XSite, NQ64 and bowling. These experiences would be new to most of us and push us out of our comfort zones. We could learn with support, while we get the experience with our friends.

St Ninian’s Bee Keeping

Theme(s) Environment + Personal Development


The project will help young people with additional needs and support them on how the bee hives work.

Baking and Cooking Group

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal Development + Accessibility


The idea is to have young people and young adults with additional support needs to come together to learn cooking and baking skills. This type of skill can help give young people confidence and independance.

Rights for Youth

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing + Personal Development


We would like to buy some resources for our group to help promote the Rights of Children and Young People. We would also like to take part in some trips for teambuilding and learning opportunities for any new members who join our group.

Go Green Group

Theme(s) Environment


We hope to create an outdoor cinema at our facility in Newton Mearns. We hope to buy a projector, screen and lights to decorate our community garden, so groups can use this when they want to. We also hope to buy small pot plants and seeds so we can hand these out to younger people in our community.

Reelify (Film Club)

Theme(s) Accessibility, Mental Health & Wellbeing + Personal Development


Although there are camera and photography clubs locally in the area, I would like to encourage young people with additional support needs to come to a group specifically for them. They would learn all about filming. We would have equipment for them and bring learning opportunities and allow them to do this at their own pace.

Safe Zone

Theme(s) Mental Health & Wellbeing, Personal Development + Accessibility


This project will create a safe zone for the LGBTQ+ community and people with physical / mental disabilities to spend time together, make friendships and learn more about themselves.

Pamper Me, Pamper Our Planet

Theme(s) Environment, Mental Health & Wellbeing + Personal Development


We are a local girls group and think its really good we can all come together to talk about things that matter to us. We would like to apply for funding so we can focus on taking care of our health and wellbeing and looking after ourselves as well as our environment and planet. We would like to be able to buy eco-friendly products to have pamper time at the group. We want to buy face masks, essential oils and healthy snacks which would mean we could relax together. We would also like to hire a dance or exercise tutor to have fun and keep ourselves fit and healthy. The other idea we had was to buy a vape bin for our youth club to keep the planet healthy and stop them being littered in our community.

Camping Experience

Theme(s) Environment, Mental Health & Wellbeing, Accessibility + Personal Development


Take a group of Guides 10-18 years to experience camping & outdoor activities. Learn more about the countryside, taking time out to have a safe space area and include others members with disabilities to join us.

Grace Lynch’s First Aid Course

Theme(s) Personal Development + Community Safety


This funding will allow me to undertake a First Aid Training Course with the British Red Cross. This will help as I have a part time job in the community and volunteer at a local dance school and gymnastic club. I also plan to volunteer with older people when I can. This course would help promote Community Safety and help in my future past school, where I plan on studying Paramedic Science at University.

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