Glasgow MSYPs – Kelvin – Luella Sharp

Luella Sharp, MSYP for Glasgow Kelvin

Hi, I’m Luella. I do lots of work with equalities groups in my school and I’m the editor of my school newspaper!

Advocating for young people has always been something that I’m passionate about and becoming an SYP gave me both the resources and platform that I needed to accomplish that.

What do you want to achieve as an MSYP 

I would love to campaign for religious inclusion in schools as it is something that I feel is very important.  

What are three important issues you’re passionate about? 

I’m passionate about the environment, youth participation and gender equality.

Tell us a fun fact about yourself 

I’m currently doing my bronze DofE!

For more information on the work of the Scottish Youth Parliament, please visit their website: To get in touch with this MSYP, please send a contact request to, making sure that you include their name and constituency.

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