Circle East Lothian Services (Health and Wellbeing)

Circle East Lothian ( has a wide variety of services for young people. Each of the services below is for young people with specific circumstances, so please look throught them all

CAPSU (Children Affected by Parental Substance Use)

Whole family support- practical support for parents with appointments, engaging with services, routines and boundaries and family functioning. Substance use- coping strategies, engaging with recovery services, emotional support including emotional regulation and clam parenting. Occasional one to one support for children if required.

To discuss referrals, contact Bob Bell-  07436 102691,  Claire Boyd-  07903 865784 orClaire Blythe –  07703 316423

Pregnancy Service

Whole family support during pregnancy and up to 12 months postnatal, with parental substance use. Support includes engaging with services and accessing recovery services, support during pregnancy and following birth, infant patterns, sleep and routines, infant feeding/weaning and baby massage. Emotional support following birth, reducing isolation by accessing community groups and services.

To discuss referrals contact Larraine Rettie- 07703 714767

Family Peer Support

Support and information for people who have a loved one affected by substance use. This can be family, friends and partners who have a loved one affected by substance use. The support can be practical, such as attending appointments, access to other relevant services, information about individuals’ rights or boundary setting. A safe space to talk to someone who has lived experience. A chance to explore patterns of your loved one’s substance use, cycles that this creates for you, the emotions that this can lead you to feel and what coping skills you can use in these situations to improve your wellbeing. This can be in the form of one-to-one support or in a group setting. The service will be delivered using the CRAFT model. This service is for 16+ but there is no upper age limit.

To discuss referrals please contact Seonaid MacPhail –  07564 054515

Children’s Resilience

For children and young people aged between 8 -12 years old affected by parental substance use. 1:1 sessions in the young person’s community and the opportunity to take part in groups with other young people involved in this project. A safe space for young people to talk about emotions and behaviour. A chance to explore how parental substance use impacts them. Taking part in activities that are fun and build resilience!

For more information on how to make a referral, please contact Tori Trueman –  07903 822062  or Hayley Whyte –  07842 231393  

East Lothian Mediation and Whole Family Support

A new partnership between Circle and Cyrenians which aims to identify families who are struggling with issues such as poor mental health, parenting challenges, relationship breakdown or trauma, and intervene early to prevent either the whole family becoming homeless, or a young adult being asked to leave the family home.

The project recognises that the issues that cause families to become homeless are complex and provides families with mediation to help repair family relationships as well as holistic, trauma informed support from a family outreach worker which is open ended and tailored to fit the needs of the whole family.   

For more information or to make a referral, please contact

Grow Your Own Routes

In partnership with Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, ‘Routes’ is a service for young people aged 12-26 who are affected by a loved one’s substance use.  Through one to one and group work, we aim to provide a safe space without judgement or stigma, for young people where they can be themselves, have fun and build positive relationships.  Staff will work alongside young people to co-design the service and this support can last until they are 26.

For more information or to make a referral please contact Hazel Fraser-  07564 054506,  Hayley Whyte –  07842 231393 or Oliver Henderson –  07596 358794

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