Find out more about the Renfrewshire Youth Voice Unheard Voices campaign

Welcome to Renfrewshire Youth Voice’s project Unheard Voices.

This campaign is about giving young people the space and opportunity to let us know how the Coronavirus and government lockdown has impacted their lives. We want to keep participation as open as possible and as such you can create and submit journal entries, comic strips, vlogs/videos or creative selfies or take part in our regular surveys here throughout our campaign pages.

In participating you will be helping by providing the data we need to campaign to ensure that support provided will be meeting the needs of young people both now and what services should look like after lockdown. We hope you enjoy taking part and look forward to hearing from you!


You can get in touch with Renfrewshire Youth Voice (RYV) by visiting their website, by email or on social media channels: Facebook  Twitter Instagram


RYV are supported by Renfrewshire Council’s Youth Services.

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