YELL – Youth Engagement Listen to Learn

Scottish Borders Youth Participation and Engagement Strategy. a ‘How to Guide’ written by local young people to support agencies in the Scottish Borders, to involve young people in their work. To be launched on 30th September 2024.

The guidance includes information on participation and engagement, why it is important, and how to facilitate this using the YELL group’s strategy toolkit. The views of over 1000 young people have shaped the development of this strategy.  It is important to use this guide to improve opportunities for children and young people in line with Article 12 of the UNCRC.   

The strategy toolkit is for young people, professionals and decision makers to use.    The strategy sets out the young people’s ambitions for the future, the ways in which young people aged 12 – 25 can currently get involved and guidance for any person looking to engage with young people in Scottish Borders- being particularly mindful of the need to engage with young people who have quieter or seldom-heard voices. 

The strategy toolkit is based on the Lundy model – a helpful guide for understanding a child’s right to participation, as laid down in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. of participation and highlights young people’s ambitions for how they would like us to involve them in decision making going forwards.  It also comprises a one-page checklist which can printed out as a standalone document. The YELL strategy has been co-produced with young people local to the Scottish Borders and supported by professionals working within the Children and Young People’s Planning Partnership (CYPPP).     

The Lundy Model or Participation

The model was developed by Professor Laura Lundy, Queen’s University Belfast. The Lundy model provides a helpful way of understanding a child’s right to participation, as laid down in Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. It provides guidance for decision-makers on how to give children and young people a meaningful voice in decision making. 

A diagram of the Lundy model of participation with four elements: space, voice, audience and influece.

Click here to read the strategy

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