Shotts Action for Youth (S.A.Y) Youth voice
Time and place: 6:30pm-7:30pm Coltness Community Centre
Wish-Youth Voice
Time and place: 6:30pm-7:30pm Coltness Community Centre

Shotts and Wishaw Drop In
Time and place: 7:30pm-9pm Coltness Community Centre

S.A.F.E- Sports, Arts for everyone
Time and place: Salsburgh Community Centre- 5pm-7pm P6+

Level Up- High School Transition Group
Time and Place Calderhead High school- 4pm-6pm P6-S1

Street Soccer
Various places throughout area 7pm-9pm
Level Up High School Transition Group
Time and place: NCT in Newmains- 4pm-6pm P6+

Duke of Edinburgh Open Group
Time and place: Pather Community Centre- 6pm-8pm – 14 years +

Future Friday DofE Drop in (Wishaw)
Time and place: Pather Community Centre 1pm-2:30pm

Future Friday: NL Challenge
Time and place: Calderhead High School
TGIF drop-in group
Time and place Allanton Community Centre 6pm-8pm P6+

Saturday Night Projects
Time and place: Wishaw and Shotts leisure Centre- 6:30-9:30 aged 9+
Email for more information or follow our Twitter @NLCYouthwork.