Where the funds could be allocated in Irvine

26 projects have applied for money in Irvine

If you live in this area- you CAN VOTE when the vote opens on 6th November, for three projects project at voting.young.scot. However please ensure that you know how to vote, young people at school or home schooling will vote with teachers in school.

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The projects in this area are:

1: Showtime Youth Theatre

The Showtime Youth Theatre Fundraising Committee is operated by parents who joined the Committee on a voluntary basis to enable the young people to participate in theatre productions. The Showtime Youth Theatre is open to young people with all abilities and from all backgrounds from 3-18 years old in Ayrshire.

The classes and productions assist the young people to develop core life skills, social skills, better agility, making exercise fun as well as building trust, confidence, self motivation, self esteem and communication skills û a variety of physical and non physical wellbeing benefits. This supports our young people through taking part in drama, acting, dance, wellbeing, singing and public speaking events to further enhance their positive thoughts about their self worth and life experiences.

2: Irvine Media Club

Irvine Media Club has been running since last Summer, and during that time over 20 young people have participated for free in a friendly, collaborative group dedicated to making films and learning about film-making. The group have already made two films, most recently a film that highlights the dangers of gambling. The Media Club is youth-led and supported by staff from Ayrshire Film Company CIC (AFC), in order to keep barriers to attending at a minimum AFC provides the equipment at no cost and has been covering the cost of room hire when there has been no funding in place. The Media Club is a great asset for young people to learn skills in all aspects of media however we have also seen additional benefits such as increased wellbeing of participants and an increase in confidence.

3: Kids Air Space

Fullarton Hub facilitates Kids Air Space twice weekly. Each session caters for up to 36 primary and secondary pupils with an acitivty based programme followed by a group meal. The parents come along, get the chance to meet with other parents, develop life skills and cook a group meal. Everyone comes together to eat and enjoy a healthy, nutricious meal. This helps address food insecurity by providing one cooked family meal per week, it helps reduce isolation, increase community participation and improve mental health and wellbeing.

4: St John Ogilvie PTA

To support the children’s mental health and well-being we are looking to purchase outdoor equipment to encourage outdoor play. This will have a positive impact physically and mentally for the children and will allow a more fun approach to learning.

We would also like to put ú150 towards to cost of free school discos for all the children to attend and enjoy.

5: Extended pathway and disabled ramp access (Irvine Cricket Club – Royals Juniors)

With the success of our school’s program and Easter and Sumner camps we now have more kids and families using our facilities. To improve the area and make it easier for disabled and small kids in prams we are looking to extend a pathway into the main car park area and make ramp access into our dressing rooms and toilet area.

6: Lawthorn Parent Council

Throughout lockdowns we have saw an increase in children becoming more comfortable sitting with devices than embracing all things outdoors. We know the huge benefits outdoor learning and play has on their mental health and well-being and introducing this as early as possible is crucial. Following periods of lockdowns we found many of our children struggle to interact and socialise, through outdoor learning/play we have reaped the benefits of not only these barriers reducing but through this they are being shown how the outdoors is benefitting them physically as well as mentally, often giving teachers the opportunty to have informal chats around healthy eating and its importance to them as they grow.  Following consultation with our young people, through the pupil focus group, they have asked if they could have some more resources for them to enjoy and learn outdoors with.  Following this the parent council purchased some of the “Operation Play Outdoors”  den building packages. These have had such amazing feedback from all year groups, however in order to provide more outdoor resources we must provide somewhere safe to store future purchases.

7: North Ayrshire Darts Academy

We are a youth darts academy based in Irvine, our members age between 8 years and 18 years. We provide a safe and nurturing enviroment for the youths of North Ayrshire to come along a learn the sports of darts and also compete in national competitions, this in turn gives the youths the chance to build positive relationships with their peers. We are an inclusive youth academy no matter what needs a youth may or may not have.  Due to the cost of living crisis we would like to help our youths and their families, providing them help to purchase a club shirt and equipment they may need to play darts.  We also need to constantly renew our dart boards due to the large numbers of youths attending each week these are expensive parts of our set up.  Ideally we would like to purchase a piece of equipment called Flexi Board that would help our disabled youths greatly, this lets us quickly move a dart board to different heights during a game to make it easier for them to throw at a dart board whilst playing a game with their peers.

8: Youth Rugby – Hard to Reach Young People

We have started an iniative to try and attract players from deprived areas who are either hard to reach kids or kids that have been let down by other sports and are danger of being lost to sport and the associated wellbeing benefits that brings

9: Scottish Sports Futures – Active:2:Grow

Scottish Sports Futures (SSF) are looking to apply for additional funds to support the ongoing delivery of our Active2Grow programme in partnership with the Ghillie Dhu Project. The Active:2:Grow programme currently supports care experienced young people through mental health and wellbeing provision. However, as this project only currently funds staff costs, this is in desperate need of additional resources to support the young people which it engages with on a weekly basis.

The funds applied for will contribute directly towards additional resources for the young people, allowing us to further provide much needed wellbeing support for children most in need.

These resources will include winter giftbags and wellbeing boxes for all young people attending the sessions, a sports kitbag and a æbroadening horizon activityÆ. This activity will consisted of encouraging young people to take on new experiences, build their confidence/resilience, and widen their support networks within their local communities.

These funds will allow us to provide resources to some of the young people most in need on this support across the locality, ensuring that we can continue to provide tailored and person-centred mental health and wellbeing support, while also building closer connections to the wider communities.

10: Irvine Meadow 2009

Our football team plays a crucial role in promoting health, wellbeing and social inclusion.  ItÆs a critical age for children to begin experimenting with alcohol and smoking but having a focus with our team helps to support the boys make positive decisions. We have a range of families in our team, some from deprived areas and a family from Ukraine. Being a part of our team has helped reduce social barriers for these boys and ensure they have a sense of belonging whilst also supporting one of the boys learn to speak English.  They are also learning to work positively as part of a team and respect which they take into their daily lives at school and at home with their families.  We promote healthy choices as a team and as a result of this many of the boys have joined the gym and attend regularly to keep improving their fitness levels and socialise with one another.

Our dedicated coaches volunteer a large amount of time to the team for training, matches and all the organising that goes on in the background.

11: Castlepark Primary School Breakfast Club

Castlepark Primary School Parent Council are applying for funding to support the running of the schools Breakfast Club.

12: Sports Council

As a Sports Council we would like to support young people in the Irvine Area participate in Sport and Physical Activitiy and increase the number of people who participate in sport.  We are a group of 14-17 year old young people who have had some great experiences and opportunties in Sport of our own and we want to help others have this too.  We have personally seen that sport can help with our physical, mental, social and emotional wellbeing and we strongly believe that all young people should have the access to physical activity to help improve their own wellbeing.  One of the barriers for young people to take part in sport is the access to sports kit and the access to free sport sessions.  As a Sports Council we already offer free sessions (in a variety of different activities) but the young children who we see often don’t have a tshirt / shorts etc often miss out or are embarrassed that they don’t have sports clothing and therefore don’t come to clubs.  By having sports kit to give out, this will hopefully remove that financial barrier and make sport more accessible for all and allow us to create a sports community with strong representation and identity. The target group for this support would be 12 & 13 year olds in the Irvine area. 

13: 5th Dreghorn Brownies and Guides

5th Dreghorn Brownies and Guides Group

We as a unit meet every Thursday night in the community centre in Dreghorn. We try to have as much fun as we can while the girls learn life skills and gain badges. Between the Brownies and the Guides we have 48 girls as well as 6 leaders. We would like to take the whole group on a team building day to Craufurdland Castle in Kilmarnock to carry out a team building day. Activities would range from Archery to tree top trials. With this funding it would ensure that all our girls could attend the day out regardless of social circumstances. Being together as a whole group is important to us and this is our chance to do that.

14: Irvine Meadow 2011s Football Team

We are looking for funding to help local kids in the local football  team for new equipment and kit . We started the football team to get kids off the streets and make new freinds within the community.  We now have 20 kids in team and loving every minute of it so extra funding would go a long way to getting the kids kitted out .

15: Friends and Family of Irvine Royal Academy Community Garden Project

Friends and Family of Irvine Royal Academy (Parent Council) aim to support the wellbeing and education of all young people at Irvine Royal Academy and promote parental engagement, while recognising the current financial and mental health climate, particularly in the Ayrshire area. We wish to improve the Garden area of the school, in order for it to facilitate outdoor learning, and health and wellbeing activities for young people and parents/carers, this in turn improving wellbeing for all.

16: Youth Legacy Action Team

As a registered charity in Scotland the Youth Legacy Action Team strives to make our community a better place for young people. Representing, Helping, and Achieving our goals and encouraging and supporting other young people to do the same with their own. Helping the staff facilitating a space for youth to express themselves, and build on ideas and aspirations they want to accomplish. The Legacy centre runs 10 different groups across 6 days of the week and also has detached youth workers out 1 day a week.

17: Irvine Sea Cadets’ Winter Clothing Project

We would like to purchase our cadets a soft shell jacket to help protect them against the elements whilst carrying out activities in the colder months.

18: Our Fun Time Playground

We have spoken to the kids of woodlands and they would like to have the playground markings renewed as they have all worn away. They want more activites added so we can play more out side sports for their mental well being and with keeping active.

19: Mindfulness – Wellbeing Lunch Club

As 4 senior Art and Design pupils, we would like to create and develop a mindfulness art lunch club.  We would like to offer this to junior pupils and help create a zen-like lunch group where pupils get to express themselves creatively, as a welcomed break to their busy day. To help them Zen out, we would like to offer a club where pupils can bring their lunch and possibly use art and Design materials to creatively engage in mindful activities, such as ; drawing , painting , character design, fashion design, photography, printmaking and model making.

20: Dreghorn Primary Parent Council Funding Inclusive Whole School Trip

Dreghorn Primary Parent Council(PC) would like to provide a trip for the whole school, this would be the first trip for years.  Pupils and Parents have expressed their desire for a whole school trip but have alluded to the challenge posed by the current cost of living crisis.  Not having a whole school trip is adversely effecting children of all ages and we want to ensure that finance is not a barrier. The PC are applying for funding to cover the cost for every child. We all have great memories of trips, we would like that for this generation.

Outdoor learning is so important to make connections between school and the real world û bringing topics alive. The extensive benefits for health and wellbeing are also well documented.

One pupil said ” I enjoy trips, they are very educational because you are in a new place, learning new things that you would never be able to see in school. Another pupil told us ” You get out all day to see things and its fun. I like a trip because you get to be with all your friends from the other classes and it can be good learning

21: Young Ambassadors Programme

At the heart of the Young Ambassador programme is our principle that our views, and those of other young people are heard, valued and influence decision making; and that they are engaged in driving sporting change in our school and in the community.

In this context our Young Ambassador role has two key bits:

to promote sport, and motivate and inspire other young people to get involved in sport in a wide range of settings within their local communities, including schools, clubs and community organisations

to influence six key aspects of school sport:

extra-curricular sport provision

links to community sport opportunities

opportunities for extra- curricular competition

celebration of young people achievements in sport

leadership opportunities for young people

As role models and leaders for other young people, Young Ambassadors can have a pivotal role within their school and wider community. We have a Young Ambassador comittee in each school and it is pupil lead and supported by school staff and Active Schools Staff.

22: Barnardo’s Christmas Outing

Barnardo’s works with young people across North Ayrshire in a variety of services. We would like to take the young people to a Pantomime this Christmas as their Christmas activity. We did this last year with non-recurring funding so this year we are looking for support as the young people that attended last year had such a good time, they got out the house, socialised and made new friends, and had a laugh. We will take the young people for dinner before the Panto and make them up a snack bag for the show. This activity will help young people with their mential health and wellbeing and social isolation. Dates for this years Pantomime are from 1st December to 7th January.

23: North Ayrshire Amateaur Swimming Club

We are a competitive club who are passionate about swimming. At North Ayrshire we strive to provide very best training and competition opportunities for swimmers from age seven through to national, Scottish and British championship level. We draw our membership from beyond the boundaries of North Ayrshire and have a built a reputation over many years as a club which has started swimmers on their journeys to the Olympics and Commonwealth Games.

The club has sessions at four pools across North Ayrshire The Portal, Garnock Campus, Largs and Auchenharvie. Our Swim Stars Squad is the ideal stepping stone for children who have completed their swimming level 4 lesson wishing to take the sport further.

We also have a thriving synchro swimming squad, and the club is not just for young people. Our Masters section is the perfect place for adults swimmers who want more focus and structure to the time they spend in the pool and to improve their fitness and technique by taking advantage of the same top-level coaching as our competition squads.

The club has 163 members over various squads. Coaching is led by one full time Head Coach and Assistant Head Coach, as well as volunteer coaches.

24: 5th Dreghorn Rangers

We are a girl-guiding unit for girls aged 14-18. The group currently consists of nine girls who have been dedicated to girl guiding since they were 5 years old. The girls follow a programme of skill-builder badges in themes such as camping, communication and first aid. Our programme of interest badges, skill builders and awards support these young women to try new things, travel the world and develop skills across our six themes. Many of the girls are young leaders for local rainbows and brownies and are working on building their CVs for their future careers. Rangers is about taking the lead and finding new challenges. It can be seen as a rare sight to see young people engaged in helping their community and we wish to continue seeking opportunities to help the girls grow. This group of girls have excelled as role models to the young girl-guiding community from helping with trips to inspiring them to be themselves. The girls have been allowed to advocate for the issues in the world around them and educate future generations. This is only possible with funding to develop these ambitious and driven young women.

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