There are two MSYPs for Na h-Eileanan an Iar, representing the Western Isle and Working with Comhairle nan Eilean Siar, Western Isles Council.
Find ouot a bit more about Ellie and Alannah below

My name is Alannah Logue, I am one of the MSYPs for the Western Isles, and also the convener of SYPs Culture and Media Committee. This is my second term as an MSYP and I am now a Board Member within SYP. I have made some great connections throughout my time as an MSYP and look forward to making more!
Right now, I am currently doing work around tackling the lack of youth work services and how that plays into loneliness within young people. In the past I have worked on things such as bereavement support in schools, transport, with issues such as ferries. I am currently based in Glasgow as I am studying Social Work at University. However, I am usually available over teams and in-person when on the island.
You can contact me by email-

My name is Ellie Denehy and I am 16 years old. I live on the Isle of Barra and I am currently in S5 in Castlebay Community School. I have been elected as a member of the Scottish Youth Parliament for the Western Isles. This is my first time being a MSYP, and hopefully not the last. I am in the Transport, Environment, and Rural affairs committee (TERA). As an MSYP I just want to make our youth voices be heard as much as possible.
Out with being a MSYP I volunteer at local youth voice groups: our main priorities are the environment and transport. I also coach a girls sports club every week to help tackle to decrease in girls participating in sport, and I run a ‘KitForAll’ stand in the school which is designed to support everyone in being able to play sports as people can take the clothes for free.
You can contact me by email-