Are you a Care Experienced Young Person?

Care Experienced Young People in Perth and Kinross

If you have any care experience such as foster care, kinship care, looked after at home or if you are a care leaver we would love to hear from you.

We are trying to do as much as we can to work towards things being better for our local care experienced young people.

F.Y.I Logo

Fun Young Individuals

We have a group called the Fun Young Individuals (FYI) who are all care experienced and would normally meet weekly in 68-86 Scott Street on Mondays from 5.00pm – 7.00pm. The group have done lots of great things over the years and have set up a Twitter page @fyipandk where they share what they have done.


Corporate Parenting Subgroup

Dedicated workers

We have a full-time youth worker who helps with everything and a Modern Apprentice too. Through Services for Young People, we can offer one-to-one support, help people who are trying to get into training or work and much more.

Contact us

If you would like more info please contact Catherine through email:

You can visit their Twitter Page here.

Extra Help and Support

Who Cares? Scotland are also offering help for Care Experienced Young People who might need someone to talk to. You can call, text, e-mail or visit their website

Who Cares Scotland Support Lines

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