Glasgow MSYPs – Anniesland – Islay Jackson

Islay Jackson MSYP for Glasgow Anniesland 

Hey. I’m 16 years old and currently studying for my International Baccalaureate exams which I will sit in May 2025. I’m the Deputy Convener for SYPs Transport, Environment and Rural Affairs subject committee. Outside of SYP, I volunteer with Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park, Marine Conservation Society and The Young Women’s Movement.

I wanted to become an MSYP because I’m very passionate about having young people’s voice heard by decision makers and I thought this would be the ideal opportunity to get involved in making impactful change for the younger generation.

What do you want to achieve as an MSYP 

As an MSYP, I want to be a forerunner in making beneficial improvements in the political system for young people. I hope to improve public transport initiatives with the TERA committee this year and look forward to ensuring gender equality is integrated into the lives of all young people with the current national campaign to “End gender-based violence”.   I am excited to work with my local youth groups to tackle the problems they have raised as an issue and to help with their projects that aim to improve said problems.  

What are three important issues you’re passionate about? 

The environment – I have been passionate about the environment for a very long time. Climate change is a very relevant issue that I want to tackle and be a part of the solution, that’s why I volunteer with so many different environmental groups, I want to make sure that the necessary changes are made, but also that the youth voice is heard when these changes are made.  Gender equality – I have recently started volunteering with The Young Women’s Movement to help promote their amazing resources that help any young person that identifies as a women/girl to know their worth, and to provide helpful information on a range of topics, such as consent. I am a big believer in gender equality and believe that opportunities should be equal no matter how you identify, choices should not be made because of how you identify but because the individual is the right person for the job.  Education – This is something that is very prominent in my life, and I think that there are many things that could be improved within the education system, such as integrating more up to date education as well as improving climate education.  

Tell us a fun fact about yourself 

I play lacrosse! I started playing in October 2023 for Glasgow Women’s Lacrosse and I love it!  

For more information on the work of the Scottish Youth Parliament, please visit their website: To get in touch with this MSYP, please send a contact request to, making sure that you include their name and constituency.

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