Men’s Mental Health

Every year 1 in 4 of us in Scotland will experience a mental health problem. But it’s well documented that men find it harder to talk about their mental health and seek support. Find out more about why, what support you can get and how to support a friend who might be struggling.

There can be many reasons for men having poor mental health, a report highlighted some specific causes are worries over work, and the prospect of unemployment or financial insecurity (which are significant for both genders but seem to play a slightly larger role for men) perhaps because men feel a greater pressure to be the breadwinner for their families which should not be the case. 

Why don’t men talk about mental health?

In society, men are often expected to be strong, and this can make it harder for men to talk about their feelings, to reach out for help and open up.

What can I do to support my mental health?

Making simple changes can set you on a path to better your mental health. Although you might not experience changes immediately, here are some things to try if you’ve not done them already.

  • Talk about your feelings with a trusted friend or parent, sometimes just sharing your feelings can relieve stress especially when someone else is there to understand and support you with what you are going through.
  • Staying active can help ensure that you’re never stuck inside for long periods. If this feels too much, opening your window to get fresh air and bring the outside in, can also help.
  • Eating well and getting a balanced diet of vegetables and nutrients can improve your well-being and mood.
  • Getting a good night’s sleep can make a big difference to how you feel. We have lots of information on sleep, how much young people need and good sleep hygiene to help you have the best night’s sleep.

It can be challenging sometimes to manage your mental health, but see below how other young people and content creators support their mental health.

Ask for help

It’s okay to need additional advice or support even if you might feel anxious about asking for it. If you can, speak to a trusted friend or family member.

If your mental health is affecting your daily life or causing you distress, call NHS 111 or talk to your GP.

There are also a number of organisations that offer support for young people who struggle with their mental health.

Childline give support for anyone under 19 years old. They have webchat available on their website.

  • Call: 0800 1111
  • Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) have guides and support if you’re struggling or you are worried about someone else.

SAMH have a range of services available to support you or if you’re looking to support someone you know who is struggling with their mental health.

There are even more organisations that can support you over the phone, e-mail, text and webchat on our AyeFeel page.

What can I do to support someone else’s mental health?

If you notice someone in your friend group acting differently or not meeting up as regularly it could be a sign that their mental health is not good at the moment. If you’re worried about them there are some things you can do.

  • Keep in touch with them regularly, however you’d normally chat to them
  • Let them know you’re there to listen to them without judgement
  • If they need it, assist them to get further help. They may need to speak to a GP or go to an appointment and you can offer to go with them.
  • Take care of yourself. Looking after someone else can be hard, so make sure you consider your wellbeing too

You can also take part in events or challenges to support men’s mental health. One of the more popular ones is Movember, find out more here!

More information

For more information about supporting your mental health and emotional wellbeing visit our AyeFeel page.

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