Where the funds could be allocated in North Coast

13 projects have applied for money in North Coast

If you live in this area- you CAN VOTE when the vote opens on 6th November, for three projects project at voting.young.scot. However please ensure that you know how to vote, young people at school or home schooling will vote with teachers in school.

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The projects in this area are:

1: West Kilbride AFC & West Kilbride CFC – Pitch Improvements

West Kilbride Amateurs FC are a long-established amateur football club based in West Kilbride.  Formed in 1947 we play our home games in Kirktonhall Glen.  Previously a Council maintained pitch West Kilbride Community Sports Club have now taken on a long-term lease of the pitch and WKAFC are now responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of the pitch. Historically WKAFC have only ever had an adults menÆs team, but we are now aiming to increase participation in football in the local area and with that in mind we have recently affiliated with West Kilbride Colts FC who, until recently, operated youth teams for children born in 2013 and 2014.  West Kilbride Colts have now expanded and provide æmini kickersÆ sessions for children born in 2018 and 2019 on a Saturday morning with a view to starting up further youth teams for local boys and girls. We also pride ourselves on providing footballing facilities at cheaper lets than the local authority and we have two further, unaffiliated, youth teams that regularly hire use of our pitch.

2: West Kilbride Primary Parent Council Uniform Shop

We have been running a pre loved uniform shop for the last 3 and a half years. This has been of huge benefit to the local community, saving money and the environment. We are looking to further fund our project by having money to buy some storage for uniform along with clothing sizes not donated and new items such as underwear, tights and socks.

3: Megans Space Self-Care Sunday

We are an North Ayrshire based mental health charity that supports children and young people to rediscover hope and happiness through theraputic interventions. This Feburary we hosted a very successful ‘self-care’ day for children and young people aged 11-26 in the North Coast Locality, with all activities designed to promote phycial and mental wellbeing. After such a great turn out and positive feeback, we are hoping to do the same again. The ‘self-care sunday’ will be open to children and young people aged 11-26, and will be inclusive of the following activities to promote physical and mental wellbeing; therapy dogs, introduction to yoga and mindfulness, introduction to reki, havening session, art therapy, journalling and gratitude workshop.

4: North Coast Joint Youth Forum

The Youth Forum is established to promote the voice of young people in the North Coast, educating and assisting young people, helping develop their physical, mental and social capacities, to become effective citizens.

5: WK Print Studio – Young Peoples printing projects – Local Environment

The WK Print Studio is run by volunteers and acts as a hub for creative experiences for young people, adults and groups working where possible to give free workshops or very low cost therefore making access as inclusive as possible.  We would like to create a series of free print studios to young people using the local community and environmental areas of the village to inspire a series of print workshops.  We will also look at ways of printmaking that are environmentally friendly and makes use of materials normally discarded and this will bring an awareness of environmental issues and how we can use things around us.   It is also openly recognised that creativity is such a positive force for mental health support and the arts bridge language and culture.

6: P7 Residential Trip to Ardentinny

Largs Primary School Parent Council wish to fund the Primay 7 Residential trip to reduce the social inequities in attendance. The grant will contribute to learning opportunities, engaging children in their own education and teaching them key lifeskills such as independence and team work. Children learn in a variety of ways, outdoor learning is especially helpful in supporting children at risk of disengaging from education, thus contributing to ongoing cycles of deprivation. Engaged and educated young people who can work in teams contribute positively to their own lives and local areas

7: Cumbrae Young Curlers

The project will give young people on the island a chance to try curling with the support of Millport Curling Club

8: 1st Largs Boys Brigade Summer Camp

1st Largs Boys’ Brigade (BB) has been serving the community of Largs and the surrounding villages since 1892. We currently have over 90 Boys enrolled in the Company, who are looked after by our amazing team of leaders and helper, all who give up their time free of charge.  Throughout our history we have always taken our Boys Camping and next year will be the same, where we are taking part in the North Ayrshire Battalion Camp in Kirkham.

9: West Kilbride Deltas

We are a free to train and play football club. We are open to all no matter gender, sex and ability. We aim to help children grow into fit young adults with belief, work ethic and respect for themselves, their competitors and their community.

10: Duke of Edinburgh equipment for Largs Academy pupils

Refreshing equipment to help widen access to Duke of Edinburgh in Largs to get our young people outdoors, enhance wellness and encourage active participation in the community.

11: Young Photographer of the Year 2023

This venture aims to encourage as many young people as possible who reside in the North Coast locale to go out and about and take photographs on a particular theme (this year’s theme is “Autumn”). Each entrant submits their best 2 images. These willl be judged and the authors of the top 3 images will receive prizes. In addition the club will  provide formal training in photography from specialists for young people interested in improving their photography skills.

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