Where Can The Money Go? Central

5 projects have applied for money Central Aberdeenshire.

If you live in this area- you can vote from Tuesday 13th December using the link. However, please ensure that you know how to vote first.

The projects in this area are:

Craigievar School

Craigievar Environment Group – The main purpose of the group is to learn about environmental issues, care for the school grounds and the local area, and learn more about sustainability. The group are working towards achieving our 6th Green flag at Craigievar School.

We would like to develop an unused area in front of school, behind the original 100 year old hedge, and, as a group, together we would make a small fence for safety, build raised beds to plant our seeds and crops in, and make bird feeding stations and nesting boxes to encourage more wildlife to the area. Alongside this, we are developing the pupil entrance into the school by planting new planters with bulbs and having a seating area to make it a more welcoming area.

Amount Requested: £1000

Hatton of Fintray

Fintray’s Future – To encourage pupils to be involved in carbon reduction

We want to reduce carbon in our local area by planting vegetables, rewilding our local area and composting the lunchtime food waste. VOTE FOR US to fight for Fintray’s Future!

Amount Requested: £1000

Inverurie Academy

Inverurie Academy Eco Group

Inverurie Eco-Garden – this would be Inverurie Academy’s first big Eco Project!  By introducing a small woring garden to the campus grounds it would have long lasting impacts for many current and future pupils.  This project would help pupils access a gardening project to help them learn about sustainability and tackling climate change in a local context.  It would also enable pupils who may benefit from outdoor education and learning out with the classroom to do this within the community campus grounds.  All this would enable our pupils to make a difference and have an active stake in the Inverurie community.

Amount Requested: £925

Midmill School

Midmill School Eco Group – Midmill School Eco Group are concerned with improving the local environment and making changes within our school community to promote sustainability. We are a group of children from P1-P7 who work together in our school garden and building to raise awareness of eco issues and help fight climate change.

With the money, we will plant a mini orchard in our school grounds, with the aim of sharing the produce with our community. We will create beautiful wildflower beds and planters from recycled materials, to act as habitats for wildlife and to encourage pollinators to visit our garden. We will work together to make our school grounds a beautiful place to learn and play, whilst protecting our environment. We are a relatively new school, and the grant would enable us to develop our grounds and develop our school’s standing within our local community.

Amount Requested: £700

Skene Primary School

Skene School’s “Green Fingers go Global”.

At Skene School we are committed to our green finger work, but we want to make the impact even bigger, global if we can!  Working towards 4 of the global goals, our community garden and cafe project will not only help us achieve these goals, but it will drive more sustainable actions within our school and community, reduce our carbon footprint, continue to inspire a love of nature and all whilst nurturing relationships with our stakeholders.  A child led project from start to finish – planning, ordering, creating, planting, harvesting, cooking serving and celebrating!

Amount Requested: £1000

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