What is the Safer Communities Team?
The Safer Communities Team are tasked with upholding the safety of the local communities in the Perth and Kinross area. You may see Community Wardens in your local area from late afternoon to evening.
The team provides a link between the people who make up the local community, Perth and Kinross Council and other partners with an interest in improving the area and keeping everyone safe. If you have any concerns you need help with, you can approach Community Wardens.
Community Wardens want to help young people too and make sure they are safe when out and about. If you see them, take a few minutes to get to know them. They will be happy to see you.
What can they help with?
The Safer Communities Team can assist you with:
- Anti-social behaviour
- Vandalism
- Graffiti
- Abandoned Vehicles
- Environmental issues
- Drug and alcohol abuse
Contacting the Safer Communities Team
You can help by reporting any concerns you have by phone on 01738 476173 or e-mail at SCT@pkc.gov.uk. You can also speak to them in person if you see them in your area.
Useful contacts:
Safer Communities Team: 01738 476173
Council housing/ Repairs: 01738 476000
Environment Services: 01738 476476
Dog Warden Service: 01738 476476
Caledonia Housing Association: 0800 678 1228
Hillcrest Housing Association: 0300 123 2640
Police Scotland (non-emergency): 101
In case of an emergency you should always call 999.