Kooth is available for free in the whole of Glasgow for young people aged 10-16. We are a free, safe and anonymous online mental health support platform. There’s no referral process, and importantly no waiting list or thresholds to meet. You can access support for ANY issue you might be experiencing.
Any young person in the city can chat to our qualified counsellors on our text-based service, and you can message the team 24 hours a day, access our fully moderated support forums, online magazine and other self-help tools all on our website.
Get access to our qualified counsellors who are online 365 days a year. Monday to Friday, from midday until 10pm and at weekends from 6pm until 10pm. The site’s tools can also help you keep up with good mental health like goal setting and journaling. You can also get advice from other young people in our moderated discussion boards.
To find out more, visit our website or e-mail us at: KEL@kooth.com
“I think Kooth is a really useful thing. It is important that this is a free website which is easy to access as it is a great service which many young people who are suffering should have access to” (Female Scottish Kooth User)