How to Deal With Exam Results Jealousy

If you’ve not quite got the exam results you hoped for and your friends have done really well, try not to let jealousy get the better of you. Check out our top tips for cheering yourself up and being happy for your friends.

Avoid social media for the day

No doubt your Instagram and TikTok feeds will be full of exam result related posts, which isn’t going to make you feel much better. Try not to get caught up in other people results by staying off social media for the day and focusing on yourself and your next steps. Find out what your options are after getting your exam results.

Use your disappointment as motivation

Failing your exams isn’t the end of the world and often failure is the first step towards success. If you’ve not done as well as you’d hoped, try not to worry or stress over it, there are still plenty of options available to you. Rather than using your energy on feeling upset about your results, focus it on thinking about what positive action you can take to move forward.

Find out more about the 2023 appeals process here.

Be supportive of your friends

If one of your friends has done well in their exams, make sure to show them your support. Yes, it can be difficult when you’re feeling disappointed about your own results, but an important part of being a good friend is celebrating their achievements with them – just think about how you would feel if the tables were turned. Plus, chances are, if they’re a good friend, they’ll be able to help cheer you up and chat over your concerns if you’re feeling down about your results.

Do something you enjoy

When you’re feeling a bit down, there’s nothing wrong with spending some time chilling out, listening to your favourite songs on repeat, watching your favourite movie or going out for a bit of exercise. Check out our top ideas to take your mind off of exam results stress.

Feel how you feel

This year has been very strange and stressful for students. Nobody has sat exams this year, and it might feel frustrating to not have had the opportunity to show examiners your knowledge, or get the chance to improve your grade through studying or tutoring. Talking about your feelings can also help.

More help and information

  • If you can’t seem to get out of your bad mood or want to talk to someone at any time then check out ChildLine. They have a free, confidential listening service which you can call on 0800 1111.
  • Breathing Space is also there to talk to you if you are feeling low or depressed. Their number is free to call on 0800 83 85 87 – Weekdays 6pm – 2am, 24 hours on weekends (6pm Friday – 6am Monday).
  • Take a look at our #AyeFeel page for a range of resources and information about different people to contact about how you’re feeling.
  • If you want to chat through your options after exams, call the My World of Work exam results helpline on 0800 917 8000. The exam results helpline is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm.
  • You can also get in touch by sending a direct message to the My World of Work Facebook page

Check out all of our info, advice and handy hints to help you with your #ExamResults

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