#BordersWellbeing Week 2: Be Kind

Be Kind

SHANARRI – responsible

You can’t pour from an empty cup!

To ‘Be Kind’ we must first consider being kind to ourselves. Before you think about how to help others you should make sure that you are doing things to keep yourself mentally well. Sometimes this is known as “self-care”.

Being kind to others can make you feel good. Small acts of kindness can make a big difference to people around you. If other people are kind to you, don’t feel guilty about receiving their support – it’s good for them too.

What does being kind mean to you?

Young people told us that being kind means things like this:

  • Helping at groups like Brownies
  • Treat people how you want to be treated, if people speak badly of you and you get upset, you doing it back is the exact same and it leads to more unhappiness
  • Sometimes you don’t have to go out of your way to be kind – little things help like holding doors open
  • Volunteering is being kind

If you would like to voluteer with Young Scot, find out what projects we have on offer through Young Scot Hive.

Or you can find volunteer opportunities locally with Volunteer Centre Borders, you can keep up to date by following them on Facebook.

Thinking about today use the emoji flags to mark how you are doing for ‘Be Kind’.

Don’t worry if you don’t manage to do something for all of the ‘six ways to be well’ each day. There are some ideas below that might help you to improve in this area.

If you are struggling with some areas every day or for a number of weeks it’s a good idea to talk to a Trusted Adult. You can discuss with them ideas about what you could do and if they can support you.

  • 😃 Great – I’m doing well at this
  • 🙂 Okay – I’m working on this but I’d like to do this more regularly or improve
  • 😧 Not Good – I want to do this but I don’t know where to start
  • 😐 Awful – I’m struggling with this and need some support

Young Scot Rewards

Find out more about the 6 Ways to Be Well.

Find loads more useful wellbeing content on the Borders Wellbeing page.

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