Amy Brisland MSYP

Amy is a member of the Inverclyde Youth Council and one of our two Local Members of the Scottish Youth Parliament.
Issues that she is particularly passionate about are education and the experiences of young carers.

Get to know Amy a bit better

What is your favourite thing about being an MSYP and Youth Council Member?
“I love that I can spread awareness on issues in my area and find a way to combat them.”

What has being an MSYP taught you?
“That my opinions are important and to share them because I will be supported.”

What’s the most fun you have had in your role as an MSYP?
“I loved the Orkney sitting, it gave me a chance to meet so many new people that share my interests and make new friends.”

What is one piece of advice you would give to someone who was thinking of running in the next election?
“Do it! Being an MSYP is an experience like no other!”

Why did you join the Inverclyde Youth Council?
“I had found some issues in my area that I was passionate about bringing up and getting fixed and youth council made me feel confident about fixing them.”

What is your favourite thing about being a part of the group?
“The people in youth council are amazing, we listen to each other and are always supportive of one another.”

What issues are most important to you, and why?
“I feel really strongly about the issues with the Sandyford drop-in clinic and ensuring young carers have any resources they may need to ensure they don’t burn themselves out whilst caring for others.”

What three things would you take with you to a desert island, and why?
“A water purifier to be able to drink any amount of water, a tent for shelter, a knife to make fire and hunt wildlife and cut food.”

If you would like to get in touch with Amy about anything to do with her work with the Scottish Youth Parliament or the Inverclyde Youth Council you can contact by email her on

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