Logos Youth Project

Logos Youth Project Logo

Logos Youth Project supports young people, aged between 11 and 24 in both the Strathearn and Strathallan area. It exists to promote the physical, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of young people through a wide range of activities and programmes.

Inside Logos in Crieff

Our youth work is usually face to face however under the current COVID-19 guidelines we are currently offering a blended service using Zoom and outdoor face to face work.

These include:

  •  After School Clubs
  •  Age specific Youth Clubs
  •  Youth Drop-Ins
  •  LINC Employability Programme for school leavers aged 16 – 19 at risk of becoming NEET (Not in Education, Employment or Training). 
  •  Post LINC support for older young people.
  •  Awards programmes including Duke of Edinburgh, Saltire and Youth Achievement Awards. 
  •  Employability support for those in further education, training or work but need guidance or encouragement. 
  •  Partnership work with Crieff High School, The Community School of Auchterarder and other agencies / local organisations such as Skills Development Scotland (SDS) and ReMake Scotland.
  •  One to one support.
Logos Garden area in Crieff
Logos seating area in Crieff

Logos Youth Project can be found in Crieff at 27B, High Street, Crieff, PH7 3HU or Auchterarder at 107 High Street, PH13 1BJ

You can e-mail: logosyouthbms@hotmail.co.uk or logosdofe@hotmail.co.uk

Contact numbers: 01764 655365 (Crieff); 01764 680669

Mobile: 07442 506088

You can visit their Facebook @LogosStrathearn or find them on Twitter @YouthLogos or @logos_dofe and on Instagram- logosyouthproject


Logos front door in Crieff
Front door of Logos in Auchterarder

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