How To Catch a Bus In Angus

Angus Youth Media Team worked with Angus Council and Stagecoach staff to create a video on how to use your Young Scot Card free travel entitlement!  Below is information to help you apply for your card and get help with this if you need, you can also find information at the top of the Angus Young Scot page

Youtube link for How To Catch a Bus With Your Free Bus Pass

A huge thanks goes to Angus Council Transport Team and Stagecoach for their help and support in creating this short video and content.

Applying for Your Young Scot National Entitlement Card in Angus

There are several ways to apply for a Young Scot National Entitlement Card (Young Scot NEC): 

  • Online at You can find out more information about the applications process on the website. 
  • Directly via your local council team. If you have a query about the Young Scot NEC you can complete the general enquiry form on the Angus Council website. You should receive a response within 24 hours (Monday-Friday). 

For more information, please visit the Angus Council website  

If you are 11-15 years old and applying for free bus travel, a parent or guardian will need to apply on your behalf. If you are 16-21 years old you can apply for free bus travel yourself.

For more information about the Young Persons’ (Under 22s) Free Bus Travel Scheme, please visit

Help!  I have lost my Young Scot card!

Apply online at (

It is useful to keep a note of your Young Scot Card number as if you lose your card your it can be replaced much quicker if you have this.

Watch this space for the Safe Travel Campaign coming soon to Angus!

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