Many of us struggle to talk to new people, but meeting new people doesn’t have to be scary. Have a look at some of our ideas to help you start building new friendships at school.
1. Use Conversation Starters to Get Chatting

Check out our conversation starters for going back to school.
2. Spend Time with Your Friend’s Friends

Hanging out with friends of friends can be a great way to meet new people. It’s always less awkward if you have someone to introduce you and something to talk about.
3. Speak to Someone Who’s on Their Own

Not only will you be helping someone else who might be in a similar situation to you but it usually feels easier to approach one person than a large group.
4. Look for Common Interests

Having something in common with someone won’t automatically make you best friends, but people tend to open up about things they’re passionate about.
5. Be Approachable

It’s far easier to approach someone who looks like they want to talk to you. Barriers such as wearing earphones and negative body-language might put people off.
6. Ask Open Questions

Open questions are questions that can have a number of responses, whereas closed questions are questions which are limited to a few set answers. When chatting to people try to use open questions to encourage discussion and if you get asked a question try to respond in a way that suggests you’re happy to continue a conversation.
If you’re looking to build your confidence check out our advice from a confidence coach. Plus, take note from these celebs who didn’t let their shyness hold them back.