That's Not OK

No matter what your relationship is with someone, you should be treated with kindness and respect. Know how to spot the signs that something isn’t right and say “That’s Not OK”. Developed in partnership with Rape Crisis Scotland and Scottish Women’s Aid.

Content Warning: These articles & links mention domestic abuse, violence, sexual abuse and controlling behaviour, which may be upsetting for some readers.

Find out more about the various different forms of what is known as ‘gender-based violence’ below.


All ages

Coercive Control

My boyfriend or girlfriend expects me to answer their texts and snapchats straight away and asks who I’m talking to,…

Coercive Control
All ages

Forced Marriage

“My parents have started to pressure me to think about getting married.” Find out more forced marriage and where to…

Forced Marriage
All ages

What Is Gaslighting?

You might have heard the phrase gaslighting before, here is all you need to know on what it means.

What Is Gaslighting?
All ages


Information for young people in Scotland about dealing with microaggressions as a form of harassment.

All ages

Information on Where to Get Support

Experiencing rape, sexual assault, exploitation or image-based abuse can affect people in many different ways. Find out where you can…

Information on Where to Get Support
All ages


Whether you’re in a relationship with someone or not, consent is key. So what is consent and how do people…

All ages

Practical Relationship Tips

Here’s how to try and improve relationships of all kinds through respect, co-operation and trust from everyone involved.

Practical Relationship Tips

Other content you might be interested in

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Digital Wellbeing Tool Box

A digital wellbeing tool box to help you if you have experienced sexual violence or gender-based violence.

Digital Wellbeing Tool Box
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