Brush Up on Your Cyber Skills With These Online Opportunities

Keen on learning how to be more cyber resilient and potentially boost your career prospects in the process? 

We’ve got a few exciting opportunities that you can get involved with.

Cyber Discovery’s Virtual Cyber Security School

If you have an interest in cyber security and could see yourself working in the field one day, this could be perfect for you.

The online initiative is for 13 to 18 year olds and will teach you how to crack codes, fix security flaws and dissect criminals’ digital trails while progressing through the game as a cyber agent.

You’ll develop important skills needed for future jobs, particularly in cyber security.

The programme provides free weekly webinars run by industry experts teaching fundamental security disciplines such as digital forensics, cryptography and operating systems.

For more information and to get started, go to the Cyber Discover website.

CyberFirst Summer Courses

A great opportunity to brush up on your cyber security knowledge and come away with academic credits.

The courses are for 14 to 17 year olds and you will learn how to code and carry out cyber security operations in an instructor-led virtual classroom. This year, it is moving online to help you develop important cyber skills from home during the pandemic. 

The courses provide SCQF credit points at SCQF levels 4, 5 and 6, and in Scotland also provide young people with Young Scot points!

There are three different courses available depending on your age, get all the information you need and enrol on the Smallpiece Trust website.


CyberLand is a game designed to test your cyber security knowledge and teach you important skills.

It is run by the National Crime Agency and Cyber Security Challenge UK and they are providing free access to the online cyber skills platform during the coming months.

In the game, which is designed to teach the fundamentals of cyber security, players protect the virtual city ‘CyberLand’ from cyber attacks while learning key skills.

Play the game on the Cyber Game UK website.

If you want to find out more about opportunities to build your knowledge and become more cyber resilient, check out our DigiKnow learning opportunities.

We’ve also put together a list of digital learning resources in our Activity Pack.

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