What is Intersectionality?

You might have heard people talking about intersectionality. But what is it and is there anything you can do to help create a more inclusive society?

What is intersectionality?

The term ‘intersectionality’ came from American academic Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw in 1989. She used the term to refer to the racism and sexism faced by Black women.

The term originated in Black feminist theory, but it can now be used to describe how race, class, gender and other personal characteristics ‘intersect’ and overlap. This could include the the nine protected characteristics defined in the Equality Act 2010, and other characteristics that can shape marginalised peoples’ lived experiences.

Intersectionality encourages us to think less about one factor such as skin colour or gender, and recognise that all humans have more than one characteristic which may cause them to face discrimination.

For example, a woman might experience sexism, but a black lesbian may be at risk of experiencing sexism, racism and homophobia. By listening to and respecting people when they share their lives with you, you can begin to understand their intersectional experiences.

UN Women created an intersectionality wheel, shown below, which can help to visualise some of the different aspects of who someone is that might impact their experiences. 

Why is intersectionality important?

It is an important part of social justice to do all we can to be inclusive and to understand the experiences of those who are marginalised. Understanding intersectionality can also:

help us build empathy

empower us to advocate for ourselves

encourages critical thinking about social issues and how systems of oppression can impact individuals differently

Without considering intersectionality we may be creating barriers and discriminating against people who belong to more than one marginalised group without knowing it. People who belong to more than one marginalised group already often report not having access to services that meet their needs.

Thinking about intersectionality

Intersectionality can be thought of as the combination of different identities that make us who we are. Identities are aspects of each of us that we’re all born with or develop naturally over time – such as gender, education, sexuality, income, race, religion and ability. Like a puzzle, all of these pieces of identity fit together to make the full picture of who we are.

It’s also important to understand privilege, which is the advantage you get because of a part of your identity. It is important to reflect on and address our own power and bias. Here’s some ways that might help:

Getting started:

  • Think about the different parts of someone’s life that may cause them to experience discrimination.
  • Learn or talk with your friends or family about privilege and how different identities may experience advantages or disadvantages in society. 
  • Can you think of things in society that could be changed to make things easier for you or people you know?


  • Learn about the experiences of people in different groups by watching videos and listening to podcasts. Think about what the impact of their intersectionality is, and how different experiences impact different people.


  • Share your story and perspectives, or find out how other people in your community are impacted by intersecting identities.

Remember to start with online resources and research. It is not the job of people who experience marginalisation to educate you on intersectionality. It will be easier to hold conversations once you understand intersectionality and the key issues.

Finding support

This list covers current support resources that are available and will be updated as more are produced.

Scottish Disability Directory

Disability Information Scotland’s directory to find support local to you.

LGBT Youth Scotland Support Hub

LGBT Youth Scotland is Scotland’s national charity for LGBTQ+ young people, aged 13-25.

Intercultural Youth Scotland

Intercultural Youth Scotland is Scotland’s leading charity for young Black People and young People of Colour.

AyeFeel – Who to contact for mental health support

If you or somebody else is needing a bit of emotional support, Young Scot has pulled together a list of organisations who offer a variety of support.

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