Quarriers Resilience for Wellbeing Service

Quarriers Resilience for Wellbeing Service, which runs throughout the whole of the Scottish Borders, focuses on prevention and early intervention to aid and improve mental health. Simply put, we are here to guide and help young people to cope when times are tough.

Quarriers Resilience Practitioners are based in each of the secondary schools across the Scottish Borders and help young people to build the confidence needed to achieve their goals and help them to develop the resilience to cope when times are tough.  The aim is for the young person to be able to manage life’s ups and downs more effectively when feeling anxious, stressed, worried, overwhelmed, or low and prevent them getting drawn into damaging risk-taking behaviours.

Quarriers also offer community based support and guidance to young people outwith education up to the age of 18.

Through one-to-one sessions, small group work and drop-in sessions, Quarriers Resilience for Wellbeing Service supports young people to look at what is going on in their lives and addressing the emotional challenges and barriers they face. 

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